Go 1.19.1 发布

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大家好,Go 官方发布了 Go1.19.1 和 Go1.18.6,这是两个小版本,主要包括安全更新和一些 bug 修复,这次一共修复了 20 个 issue。 首先是两个安全更新: - net/http 包:handle server errors after sending GOAWAY A closing HTTP/2 server connection could hang forever waiting for a clean shutdown that was preempted by a subsequent fatal error. This failure mode could be exploited to cause a denial of service. - net/url 包:JoinPath does not strip relative path components in all circumstances JoinPath and URL.JoinPath would not remove ../ path components appended to a relative path. For example, JoinPath("[https://go.dev](https://go.dev/)", "../go") returned the URL [https://go.dev/../go](https://go.dev/go), despite the JoinPath documentation stating that ../ path elements are cleaned from the result. 其他的 issue 列表见:<https://github.com/golang/go/issues?q=milestone%3AGo1.19.1+label%3ACherryPickApproved>,文末点击「阅读原文」可以直达该页面。 Go语言中文网为大家准备好了最新的安装包:<https://studygolang.com/dl>。


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