一个类型安全的`Golang Redis`客户端,支持`RESP2/RESP3`协议

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# redisson 一个类型安全的`Golang Redis`客户端,支持`RESP2/RESP3`协议 ## github: https://github.com/sandwich-go/redisson ## 特征 * 开发模式下,检查`Redis`命令的版本要求 * 开发模式下,检查在当前版本已过期的`Redis`命令 * 开发模式下,检查多`Key`是否属于同一`Redis`槽 * 开发模式下,检查禁止使用的`Redis`命令 * 监控`Redis`命令耗时时间 * 监控`Redis`连接状态 * 监控`Redis RESP3`客户端缓存命中状态 * 支持`RESP2/RESP3`协议 * 支持`Redis RESP3`客户端缓存 * `Redis RESP3`客户端命令自动进行`pipeline` * `Redis RESP3`客户端自动管理阻塞的连接 ## 要求 * Golang >= 1.18 如果不能升级`Golang`至`1.18`,请使用`redisson/version/0.1`版本。 ## 基础库 - RESP2, 使用 [go-redis/redis](https://github.com/go-redis/redis). - RESP3, 使用 [rueian/rueidis](https://github.com/rueian/rueidis). ## 链接 * [English](https://github.com/sandwich-go/redisson/blob/master/README.md) * [中文文档](https://github.com/sandwich-go/redisson/blob/master/README_CN.md) ## 开始 ```golang package main import ( "context" "github.com/sandwich-go/redisson" ) func main() { c := redisson.MustNewClient(redisson.NewConf( redisson.WithResp(redisson.RESP3), redisson.WithDevelopment(false), )) defer c.Close() ctx := context.Background() // SET key val NX _ = c.SetNX(ctx, "key", "val", 0).Err() // GET key _ = c.Get(ctx, "key").Val() } ``` ## 检查 仅在development模式下才会检查 ### 版本检查 如果 Redis < 6.0 ```go c := redisson.MustNewClient(redisson.NewConf( redisson.WithResp(redisson.RESP3), redisson.WithDevelopment(true), )) defer c.Close() res := c.Set(ctx, "key", "10", -1) ``` 输出: ```text [SET KEEPTTL]: redis command are not supported in version "5.0.0", available since 6.0.0 ``` > :warning: 在development模式下,若校验版本失败,则会发生Panic ### 检查过期 如果 Redis >= 4.0 ```go c := redisson.MustNewClient(redisson.NewConf( redisson.WithResp(redisson.RESP3), redisson.WithDevelopment(true), )) defer c.Close() res := c.HMSet(ctx, "key", "10") ``` 输出: ```text [HMSET]: As of Redis version 4.0.0, this command is regarded as deprecated. It can be replaced by HSET with multiple field-value pairs when migrating or writing new code. ``` ### 检查槽位 ```go c := redisson.MustNewClient(redisson.NewConf( redisson.WithResp(redisson.RESP3), redisson.WithDevelopment(true), )) defer c.Close() res := c.MSet(ctx, "key1", "10", "key2", "20") ``` 输出: ```text [MSET]: multiple keys command with different key slots are not allowed ``` > :warning: 在development模式下,若多个key分布在不同的slot中,则会发生Panic ### 命令禁用 ```go c := redisson.MustNewClient(redisson.NewConf( redisson.WithResp(redisson.RESP3), redisson.WithDevelopment(true), )) defer c.Close() res := c.ClusterFailover(ctx) ``` 输出: ```text [CLUSTER FAILOVER]: redis command are not allowed ``` > :warning: 在development模式下,若使用禁用命令,则会发生Panic #### 禁用命令集 * CLUSTER ADDSLOTS * CLUSTER ADDSLOTSRANGE * CLUSTER DELSLOTS * CLUSTER DELSLOTSRANGE * CLUSTER FAILOVER * CLUSTER FORGET * CLUSTER MEET * CLUSTER REPLICATE * CLUSTER RESET HARD/SOFT * CLUSTER SAVECONFIG * CLUSTER SLAVES * KEYS * MIGRATE * BGREWRITEAOF * BGSAVE * CONFIG GET * CONFIG RESETSTAT * CONFIG REWRITE * CONFIG SET * FLUSHALL ASYNC/SYNC * FLUSHDB ASYNC/SYNC * SAVE * SHUTDOWN NOSAVE/SAVE * SLAVEOF * SELECT ## 监控 导入`Grafana dashboard id` `16768` ```go import ( "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus" "github.com/sandwich-go/redisson" ) var DefaultPrometheusRegistry = prometheus.NewRegistry() c := redisson.MustNewClient(redisson.NewConf( redisson.WithResp(redisson.RESP3), redisson.WithEnableMonitor(true), )) defer c.Close() c.RegisterCollector(func(c prometheus.Collector) { DefaultPrometheusRegistry.Register(c) }) ``` ![image.png](https://static.golangjob.cn/220913/3ca26568db06a346c8a1edd40c998714.png) ## 自动`pipeline` 所有发送到单个`Redis`节点的非阻塞命令都会通过一个tcp连接自动`pipeline`传输, 这减少了整体往返和系统调用,并获得了更高的吞吐量。 注意:仅在使用`Redis RESP3`客户端时支持。 ## 客户端缓存 始终启用服务器辅助客户端缓存的加入模式 ```golang c.Cache(time.Minute).Get(ctx, "key").Val() ``` 需要显式指定客户端`TTL`,因为`Redis`服务器在以下情况下可能无法及时发送失效消息: 服务器上的密钥已过期。请遵循 [#6833](https://github.com/redis/redis/issues/6833) 和 [#6867](https://github.com/redis/redis/issues/6867) 尽管需要显式的指定客户端`TTL`,`Cache()`仍然向服务器发送`PTTL`命令,并确保客户端`TTL`不长于服务器端`TTL`。 注意:仅在使用`Redis RESP3`客户端时支持。 ## Benchmark ### 环境 - [go-redis/redis](https://github.com/go-redis/redis) v8.11.5 - [joomcode/redispipe](https://github.com/joomcode/redispipe) v0.9.4 - [mediocregopher/radix](https://github.com/mediocregopher/radix) v4.1.1 - [rueian/rueidis](https://github.com/rueian/rueidis) v0.0.74 - [sandwich-go/redisson](https://github.com/sandwich-go/redisson) v1.1.14 ### Benchmarking Result ##### Single, Parallel mode, Get Command ```markdown +---------------------------------------------------+-----------+-------+-------+-----------+ | Single Parallel(128) Get | iteration | ns/op | B/op | allocs/op | +===================================================+===========+=======+=======+===========+ | sandwich-go/redisson/RESP2:Val(64):Pool(100) | 362365 | 6136 | 279 | 6 | | sandwich-go/redisson/RESP2:Val(64):Pool(1000) | 504202 | 4731 | 286 | 6 | | sandwich-go/redisson/RESP2:Val(256):Pool(100) | 362181 | 6334 | 487 | 6 | | sandwich-go/redisson/RESP2:Val(256):Pool(1000) | 481341 | 4946 | 495 | 6 | | sandwich-go/redisson/RESP2:Val(1024):Pool(100) | 332634 | 6822 | 1351 | 6 | | sandwich-go/redisson/RESP2:Val(1024):Pool(1000) | 451609 | 5299 | 1360 | 6 | | sandwich-go/redisson/RESP3:Val(64):Pool(100) | 1208716 | 1923 | 320 | 4 | | sandwich-go/redisson/RESP3:Val(256):Pool(100) | 1000000 | 2013 | 512 | 4 | | sandwich-go/redisson/RESP3:Val(1024):Pool(100) | 728786 | 2816 | 1281 | 4 | | rueian/rueidis/rueidiscompat:Val(64):Pool(100) | 1253146 | 1847 | 256 | 4 | | rueian/rueidis/rueidiscompat:Val(256):Pool(100) | 1000000 | 2034 | 448 | 4 | | rueian/rueidis/rueidiscompat:Val(1024):Pool(100) | 792254 | 2686 | 1217 | 4 | | go-redis/redis/v8:Val(64):Pool(100) | 369186 | 6098 | 279 | 6 | | go-redis/redis/v8:Val(64):Pool(1000) | 506796 | 4750 | 286 | 6 | | go-redis/redis/v8:Val(256):Pool(100) | 357454 | 6266 | 487 | 6 | | go-redis/redis/v8:Val(256):Pool(1000) | 486217 | 4919 | 495 | 6 | | go-redis/redis/v8:Val(1024):Pool(100) | 331382 | 6779 | 1351 | 6 | | go-redis/redis/v8:Val(1024):Pool(1000) | 452067 | 5307 | 1360 | 6 | | mediocregopher/radix/v4:Val(64):Pool(100) | 596540 | 4284 | 26 | 1 | | mediocregopher/radix/v4:Val(64):Pool(1000) | 589083 | 4902 | 54 | 1 | | mediocregopher/radix/v4:Val(256):Pool(100) | 576108 | 4384 | 27 | 1 | | mediocregopher/radix/v4:Val(256):Pool(1000) | 597157 | 4993 | 54 | 1 | | mediocregopher/radix/v4:Val(1024):Pool(100) | 573411 | 4539 | 27 | 1 | | mediocregopher/radix/v4:Val(1024):Pool(1000) | 559611 | 5062 | 56 | 1 | | joomcode/redispipe:Val(64):Pool(100) | 1109589 | 2137 | 168 | 5 | | joomcode/redispipe:Val(256):Pool(100) | 1000000 | 2170 | 377 | 5 | | joomcode/redispipe:Val(1024):Pool(100) | 958350 | 2442 | 1241 | 5 | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------+-------+-------+-----------+ ``` ![image.png](https://static.golangjob.cn/220913/d88b1d116902aa5660ddada04f34310c.png) ##### Cluster, Parallel mode, Get Command ```markdown +---------------------------------------------------+-----------+-------+-------+-----------+ | Cluster Parallel(128) Get | iteration | ns/op | B/op | allocs/op | +===================================================+===========+=======+=======+===========+ | sandwich-go/redisson/RESP2:Val(64):Pool(100) | 361689 | 6246 | 279 | 6 | | sandwich-go/redisson/RESP2:Val(64):Pool(1000) | 494625 | 4819 | 286 | 6 | | sandwich-go/redisson/RESP2:Val(256):Pool(100) | 353413 | 6439 | 487 | 6 | | sandwich-go/redisson/RESP2:Val(256):Pool(1000) | 478305 | 5035 | 494 | 6 | | sandwich-go/redisson/RESP2:Val(1024):Pool(100) | 324940 | 6992 | 1351 | 6 | | sandwich-go/redisson/RESP2:Val(1024):Pool(1000) | 441291 | 5472 | 1360 | 6 | | sandwich-go/redisson/RESP3:Val(64):Pool(100) | 1036126 | 2275 | 320 | 4 | | sandwich-go/redisson/RESP3:Val(256):Pool(100) | 1008175 | 2420 | 513 | 4 | | sandwich-go/redisson/RESP3:Val(1024):Pool(100) | 766168 | 2906 | 1282 | 4 | | rueian/rueidis/rueidiscompat:Val(64):Pool(100) | 946216 | 2266 | 256 | 4 | | rueian/rueidis/rueidiscompat:Val(256):Pool(100) | 924811 | 2292 | 448 | 4 | | rueian/rueidis/rueidiscompat:Val(1024):Pool(100) | 856582 | 2802 | 1218 | 4 | | go-redis/redis/v8:Val(64):Pool(100) | 351850 | 6251 | 279 | 6 | | go-redis/redis/v8:Val(64):Pool(1000) | 489259 | 4821 | 286 | 6 | | go-redis/redis/v8:Val(256):Pool(100) | 356703 | 6385 | 487 | 6 | | go-redis/redis/v8:Val(256):Pool(1000) | 478236 | 5012 | 494 | 6 | | go-redis/redis/v8:Val(1024):Pool(100) | 333362 | 6972 | 1351 | 6 | | go-redis/redis/v8:Val(1024):Pool(1000) | 443264 | 5386 | 1360 | 6 | | mediocregopher/radix/v4:Val(64):Pool(100) | 477573 | 4598 | 113 | 2 | | mediocregopher/radix/v4:Val(64):Pool(1000) | 386779 | 5431 | 114 | 2 | | mediocregopher/radix/v4:Val(256):Pool(100) | 459818 | 4737 | 113 | 2 | | mediocregopher/radix/v4:Val(256):Pool(1000) | 383200 | 5656 | 114 | 2 | | mediocregopher/radix/v4:Val(1024):Pool(100) | 451070 | 4911 | 114 | 2 | | mediocregopher/radix/v4:Val(1024):Pool(1000) | 356745 | 5745 | 114 | 2 | | joomcode/redispipe:Val(64):Pool(100) | 1091751 | 2147 | 170 | 5 | | joomcode/redispipe:Val(256):Pool(100) | 1088572 | 2298 | 379 | 5 | | joomcode/redispipe:Val(1024):Pool(100) | 800530 | 2548 | 1246 | 5 | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------+-------+-------+-----------+ ``` ![image.png](https://static.golangjob.cn/220913/f20be711497283130553f1296ec6972c.png) 详见 [Benchmark Detail Result](https://github.com/sandwich-go/go-redis-client-benchmark) * [Opt-in client side caching](https://redis.io/docs/manual/client-side-caching/) * [RESP](https://redis.io/docs/reference/protocol-spec/) * [RESP2](https://github.com/redis/redis-specifications/blob/master/protocol/RESP2.md) * [RESP3](https://github.com/antirez/RESP3/blob/master/spec.md)redisson 一个类型安全的Golang Redis客户端,支持RESP2/RESP3协议 特征 开发模式下,检查Redis命令的版本要求 开发模式下,检查在当前版本已过期的Redis命令 开发模式下,检查多Key是否属于同一Redis槽 开发模式下,检查禁止使用的Redis命令 监控Redis命令耗时时间 监控Redis连接状态 监控Redis RESP3客户端缓存命中状态 支持RESP2/RESP3协议 支持Redis RESP3客户端缓存 Redis RESP3客户端命令自动进行pipeline Redis RESP3客户端自动管理阻塞的连接 要求 Golang >= 1.18 如果不能升级Golang至1.18,请使用redisson/version/0.1版本。 基础库 RESP2, 使用 go-redis/redis. RESP3, 使用 rueian/rueidis. 链接 English 中文文档 开始 package main import ( "context" "github.com/sandwich-go/redisson" ) func main() { c := redisson.MustNewClient(redisson.NewConf( redisson.WithResp(redisson.RESP3), redisson.WithDevelopment(false), )) defer c.Close() ctx := context.Background() // SET key val NX _ = c.SetNX(ctx, "key", "val", 0).Err() // GET key _ = c.Get(ctx, "key").Val() } 检查 仅在development模式下才会检查 版本检查 如果 Redis < 6.0 c := redisson.MustNewClient(redisson.NewConf( redisson.WithResp(redisson.RESP3), redisson.WithDevelopment(true), )) defer c.Close() res := c.Set(ctx, "key", "10", -1) 输出: [SET KEEPTTL]: redis command are not supported in version "5.0.0", available since 6.0.0 ⚠️ 在development模式下,若校验版本失败,则会发生Panic 检查过期 如果 Redis >= 4.0 c := redisson.MustNewClient(redisson.NewConf( redisson.WithResp(redisson.RESP3), redisson.WithDevelopment(true), )) defer c.Close() res := c.HMSet(ctx, "key", "10") 输出: [HMSET]: As of Redis version 4.0.0, this command is regarded as deprecated. It can be replaced by HSET with multiple field-value pairs when migrating or writing new code. 检查槽位 c := redisson.MustNewClient(redisson.NewConf( redisson.WithResp(redisson.RESP3), redisson.WithDevelopment(true), )) defer c.Close() res := c.MSet(ctx, "key1", "10", "key2", "20") 输出: [MSET]: multiple keys command with different key slots are not allowed ⚠️ 在development模式下,若多个key分布在不同的slot中,则会发生Panic 命令禁用 c := redisson.MustNewClient(redisson.NewConf( redisson.WithResp(redisson.RESP3), redisson.WithDevelopment(true), )) defer c.Close() res := c.ClusterFailover(ctx) 输出: [CLUSTER FAILOVER]: redis command are not allowed ⚠️ 在development模式下,若使用禁用命令,则会发生Panic 禁用命令集 CLUSTER ADDSLOTS CLUSTER ADDSLOTSRANGE CLUSTER DELSLOTS CLUSTER DELSLOTSRANGE CLUSTER FAILOVER CLUSTER FORGET CLUSTER MEET CLUSTER REPLICATE CLUSTER RESET HARD/SOFT CLUSTER SAVECONFIG CLUSTER SLAVES KEYS MIGRATE BGREWRITEAOF BGSAVE CONFIG GET CONFIG RESETSTAT CONFIG REWRITE CONFIG SET FLUSHALL ASYNC/SYNC FLUSHDB ASYNC/SYNC SAVE SHUTDOWN NOSAVE/SAVE SLAVEOF SELECT 监控 导入Grafana dashboard id 16768 import ( "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus" "github.com/sandwich-go/redisson" ) var DefaultPrometheusRegistry = prometheus.NewRegistry() c := redisson.MustNewClient(redisson.NewConf( redisson.WithResp(redisson.RESP3), redisson.WithEnableMonitor(true), )) defer c.Close() c.RegisterCollector(func(c prometheus.Collector) { DefaultPrometheusRegistry.Register(c) }) grafana_dashboard 自动pipeline 所有发送到单个Redis节点的非阻塞命令都会通过一个tcp连接自动pipeline传输, 这减少了整体往返和系统调用,并获得了更高的吞吐量。 注意:仅在使用Redis RESP3客户端时支持。 客户端缓存 始终启用服务器辅助客户端缓存的加入模式 c.Cache(time.Minute).Get(ctx, "key").Val() 需要显式指定客户端TTL,因为Redis服务器在以下情况下可能无法及时发送失效消息: 服务器上的密钥已过期。请遵循 #6833 和 #6867 尽管需要显式的指定客户端TTL,Cache()仍然向服务器发送PTTL命令,并确保客户端TTL不长于服务器端TTL。 注意:仅在使用Redis RESP3客户端时支持。


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