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## FEATURED [Building Webapps and Microservices Using Gin](https://semaphoreci.com/community/tutorials/building-go-web-applications-and-microservices-using-gin?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) A thorough step by step tutorial for getting familiar with Gin, a Go framework that will help you reduce boilerplate code and build a request handling pipeline. [A Walkthrough of Go's 'bytes' and 'strings' Packages](https://medium.com/@benbjohnson/go-walkthrough-bytes-strings-packages-499be9f4b5bd?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) Byte slices and strings are fundamental primitives in most Go programs - what’s the difference and what do these packages have to offer for everyday coding? [Go 1.7 Release Candidate 6 Released](https://groups.google.com/d/msg/golang-nuts/veQCER89M8c/44nryIM1EAAJ?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) The final release of 1.7 has been pushed back to next Monday (August 15). [Building a Simple CLI Tool with Go](https://blog.komand.com/build-a-simple-cli-tool-with-golang?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) A simple tutorial on building command-line tools by only using Go’s standard libraries. [Go Standard Package Layout](https://medium.com/@benbjohnson/standard-package-layout-7cdbc8391fc1?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) Addressing one of the biggest technical problems in the Go community, Ben Johnson says “we need a better standard for Go application design” and makes some suggestions here. [Staticfiles: Embed a Directory of Files in Your Go Binary](https://github.com/bouk/staticfiles?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) Provides functions to open the embedded files from within your code or serve them over HTTP. [Checkup: A Distributed, Self-Hosted Health Checker](https://sourcegraph.github.io/checkup/?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) Sourcegraph sponsored Matt Holt, creator of Caddy, to build a tool for doing server health checks in a developer-friendly way. It’s written in Go. GitHub. ## IN BRIEF [Blocks in Go](https://medium.com/@mlowicki/blocks-in-go-2f68768868f6?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) [Building a Binary Search Tree in Go](https://appliedgo.net/bintree/?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) [Vendoring Dependencies in Go](https://www.meta.sc/tech/govendoring/?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) [My GopherCon Experience](https://divan.github.io/posts/gophercon16/?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) A nice writeup. [cmd: Go-Tool-Style Command and Flag Processing](https://github.com/zro/cmd?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) [DB v2: A Data Access Layer for Go](https://upper.io/db.v2/?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) “It’s not an ORM, just a productive data access layer for Go.” [Bild: Simple Image Processing in Go with Parallel Processing Support](https://github.com/anthonynsimon/bild?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) [go-dungeon: A Dungeon Generator Written in Go](https://github.com/Meshiest/go-dungeon?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) [go-poet: A Go Package for Generating .go Source Files](https://github.com/dpolansky/go-poet/?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) Rather than use text templating, it provides an API to generate Go constructs in a typesafe, programmatic way. [ipfilter: A Package for IP Filtering in Go](https://github.com/jpillora/ipfilter?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email)


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