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这是一个创建于 的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

#项目是纯golang实现的,稍微讲一下步骤 1. step1:抓取12306的包,分析出需要的数据和接口 2. step2:数据整理 3. step3:数据展示 <** 祝大家都早日回家过年 with someone you love **> 项目地址: https://github.com/JingDa-open-source-community/go-home #Querys train schedule use the origin command line tools ###output ![](http://i1.piimg.com/567571/dec257a424663ab9.gif) ###dependence ASCLL TABLE Writer it is for generate ascii table on termial and use below command to install ``` go get github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter ``` ###How to get started? you should download project to path of yourself and then go build or go install, after that just run it! ``` go build go-home your train number (em: G4474) ``` ###Contact Wechat: convertxy QQ: 2698380951 Email: aliasliyu4@gamil.com


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