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## FEATURED [Hermes: Responsive HTML Email Generation from Go](https://github.com/matcornic/hermes?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) A Go port of Node’s mailgen. It can generate HTML and plain text emails and all customization is behind a tidy Go API. [Approaches for Adding Visual Interfaces to Command Line Apps](https://appliedgo.net/tui/?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) A quick run-through of several text-based UI libraries in Go, including termbox, tcell, and termui. [x/crypto/ssh To Require Host Key Verification By Default](https://bridge.grumpy-troll.org/2017/04/golang-ssh-security/?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) By default, Go’s ssh package accepts any host keys which can make MITM attacks easier. This is now changing but could break existing uses of the package. [How to Use Go's Context Package](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSzR0VEraWw&utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) A well produced 30 minute dive into the context package, how it can make requests​ easier to monitor, and logs easier to grep. [22 Videos from GopherCon India 2017](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsFcsHYBdNA1mIPXKSND1zw/videos?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) It took place in late February. We’re going through them and will link to some of the best ones in future issues. [Gosh: A Pluggable Command Shell](https://medium.com/@vladimirvivien/gosh-a-pluggable-command-shell-in-go-cf25102c8439?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) “Since (Go 1.8’s) plugin system was announced, I wanted to created a framework for creating interactive command shell programs where commands are implemented using Go plugins…” ## IN BRIEF [Go Font Family Gets Update, Including New 'Small Caps' Fonts](https://github.com/golang/image/tree/master/font/gofont/ttfs?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) [A Guide to HTTP Request Handling and Processing](https://lanreadelowo.com/blog/2017/04/03/http-in-go/?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) Aimed at those new to Go covering the standard library offerings and third-party routers. [Go to The Rescue: Saving DevOps From TLS Turmoil](https://opensource.com/article/17/4/testing-certificate-chains-34-line-go-program?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) If you need to validate certificates or certificate chains before deploying them, Go provides a near foolproof test method.. [Creating a (Very) Simple API Client in Go](https://www.scaledrone.com/blog/posts/creating-an-api-client-in-go?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) [JSON Decoding with Go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uo30w2rGoQM&utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) A series of examples of decoding JSON from pass-through to writing your own unmarshalling function. [5 Reasons Why We Switched From Python To Go](https://medium.com/@tigranbs/5-reasons-why-we-switched-from-python-to-go-4414d5f42690) [Forwards and Backwords Pipes in Go](https://leaflessca.wordpress.com/2017/01/04/forwards-and-backwords-pipes-in-go/?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) A way to know when all the goroutines are complete without using a WaitGroup. [GoReporter: A Go Code Quality Report Generator](https://github.com/wgliang/goreporter?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) Concurrently runs several linters/checks and normalizes results into a report. [RubberDoc: A Go REST API Documentation Generator](https://github.com/rocket-internet-berlin/RocketLabsRubberDoc?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) [Realize: Go Build System with Watchers and Live Reload](https://github.com/tockins/realize/tree/v1.3?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) Run, build and watch file changes. [Gomoku: An Experimental Go to (Modern) C++ Compiler](https://github.com/lpereira/gomoku?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) C++ has come on a long way in recent years and stylistically shares more in common with Go than you might think. [Gotron: Go and Electron Boilerplate for Desktop Applications](https://github.com/Equanox/gotron?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) [PocketPlace: Draw Pixels On A Canvas with Friends](https://github.com/olahol/pocketplace?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) Inspired by Reddit’s [/r/place](https://www.reddit.com/r/place/) and pxls.space. [Machma: Easy Parallel Execution of Commands with Live Feedback](https://github.com/fd0/machma?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) [GoMoney: An Implementation of Martin Fowler's Money Pattern](https://github.com/Rhymond/go-money?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email) Handle monetary values using a currency’s smallest unit. [A Proof of Concept of Integrating Go and React Native in a Mobile App](https://github.com/caseylmanus/go-react-native?utm_source=studygolang&utm_medium=email)


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