Understand Go Pointers in Under 800 Words
One of Go’s most active contributors explains pointers from the ground up, complete with diagrams.
Distributed Tracing for Go from Google
Google has created a Go client for Stackdriver Trace, their free distributed tracing backend (that doesn’t require you use GCP for your apps either).
A Foray Into Go Assembly Programming
A list of issues and quirks when attempting to integrate assembly into Go code.
Glob Matching Can Be Simple And Fast
Russ Cox looks at the scalability of glob pattern matching and ways to avoid it becoming an expontential process.
Commento: A Lightweight, Tracking-Free Comment Engine
The Disqus commenting system has been criticized recently for loading lots of tracker pixels. Here’s a simple Go-based alternative.
Pixel: A 2D Game Development Library
Focused on fast 2D graphics rendering and has a simple API. Comes with a few examples and a handful of tutorials to get started.
echo 3.1 Released: A Minimal, High Perf Web Framework
Caddy 0.10 (HTTP/2 Server with Automatic HTTPS) Released
Now supports HTTP/2 Server Push.
Reproducing Go Binaries Byte-by-Byte
Writing Modular Go Programs with Plugins
A simple example using Go 1.8’s plugin system.
Using 'dep' for Dependency Management
An example of using the (likely) to-be dependency management standard in a project.
Semantic Analysis with Machine Learning in Go
Creating a Web App Using the Gorilla Web Toolkit
Guidelines on Refactoring Go Programs
Representing Trees in Go Code
A video in the Let’s Learn Algorithms series.
Creating a Web Server With Echo
The sixth installment in the series, found here.
A 'Clean Architecture' Checker for Go
See if your project is following Uncle Bob’s Clean Architecture rules.
Pgweb: A Cross-Platform Client for Postgres
Built using Go and works on macOS, Linux and Windows.
A BigQuery Dataset for Go's Build History
gossed: Push Standard Input as Server Sent Events
Easily push events to a browser, such as for monitoring dashboards or tailing logs.
go-astilectron: Build Cross Platform GUI Apps with Electron
Connects Go with the HTML, JS and CSS-based Electron toolkit.
A Work-in-Progress Go-Based SQLite Driver (without cgo)
An interesting idea that runs the C version of SQLite in a pure Go sandboxed VM.