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大体框架有了但是缺一些核心代码 刚刚接触go语言感觉还不太能读懂这个框架的意思 http://csintro.ucas.ac.cn/static/code_project/hide.go 主要是中间需要填写四个函数 第一个_4byte2int不太明白是什么作用,应该怎么写 后面有两个函数给了伪代码, ``` Procedure HideText (pixel_array) { content = read all bytes of text file length = length of the content insert_data(length, pixel_array[0:16], 16) for i = 0 to len(content)-1 { v = content[i] // the offset of pixel array offset = 16+i*4 // the corresponding slice that will be used insert_data(byte, pixel_array[offset: offset+4], 4) } } // hide the integer data into the byte slice // using the first n bytes of the slice Procedure insert_data(data, byte_slice, n) { for i = 0 to n-1 { _2bit = data & 0x3 byte_slice[i] = byte_slice[i] & 0xFC byte_slice[i] = byte_slice[i] | _2bit data = data >> 2 } } Procedure ShowText (pixel_array) { length = restore_data(pixel_array[0:16], 16) content = create a byte slice with the specific length for i = 0 to length-1 { // the offset of pixel array offset = 16+i*4 // the corresponding slice that will be translated to a byte content[i] = restore_data(pixel_array[offset: offset+4], 4) } } // restore the integer data from the byte slice // using the first n bytes of the slice Procedure restore_data(byte_slice, n) { data = 0 for i = n-1 to 0 { _2bit = byte_slice[i] & 0x3 data = data << 2 data = data | _2bit } } ``` 对应的是后两个函数,但是伪代码里面调用函数时的变量类型都不同_(:зゝ∠)_然后就又不知道怎么下手了


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