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写业务代码的时候,想在里面启一个中间件(比如go实现的mqtt broker hrotti),中间件里面会自己开出gorouting,没处理好,会panic 搜了一下文章,貌似就是避免不了这种情况了? This almost fixes the problem if you can't change otherPackage: ``` go func() { defer func() { if err := recover(); err != nil { someMonitoringChannel <- err } }() otherPackage.SomeFunc() }() ``` But it doesn't protect you from otherPackage.SomeFunc() creating unprotected goroutines. Maybe there should be a way to set a function to get called by default for unhanded panics, something like: ``` func panicking(err os.Error) { fmt.Println("unhandled panic:", err) panic(err) //go ahead and crash the program (omit this to fail silently) } func init() { runtime.DefaultPanicRecover(panicking) } ``` The problem with this is that you don't know what goroutine the error happened in...


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