Graceful server restarts with Go
How to pass a socket between running processes so that they can be safely restarted.
Implementing a bignum calculator
Rob Pike's talk on implementing a command-line calculator.
NSQ-centric architecture
Building a chat system with NSQ, a distributed messaging platform written in Go. Given at GoCon 2014.
Hacking Go compiler internals
An interesting talk looking at the lexer and parser. Given at GoCon 2014.
Testing techniques
A recording of Andrew Gerrand's talk, originally given at Google I/O 2014.
The expvar package - metrics for Go
The expvar package allows a Go process to expose variables to the public via an HTTP endpoint that emits JSON.
Go vs. C: A Language Comparison of Concurrent Programming Features
A look at how pthreads and Go's concurrency features compare.
Dockerize a Go webapp and database
A guide to using docker with a Go application and PostgreSQL.
Writing Go in Vim
Overview of setting up Vim for Go development.
Experimental, automatically generated set of AWS clients.
Experimental UCI chess engine.
A utility for writing behavioural tests with go test
and surfacing the results via a web page.
A config loader that provides extra conveniences for dealing with multiple environments.