[GopherCon 2015 Call for Proposals Open](http://cfp.gophercon.com/events/gc15)
The CFP closes March 31 so get your proposals to speak in before then. The event itself take place in Denver, CO - Jul 7-10, and tickets were still available at the time of publication, but they're likely to sell out.
[How to Build A Simple Web App in Go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiRhWG-2nGU&utm_source=golangweekly&utm_medium=email)
A 30 minute video walking through from scratch.
[Building Scalable Distributed Systems using Go and Mesos](http://java.dzone.com/articles/building-massively-scalable)
Apache Mesos is a ‘distributed systems kernel’ that lets you program against a collection of machines as if it’s a single one.
[We Go in Batches (Using Golang Concurrency for Facebook Events)](http://tales.timehop.com/post/107333946381/we-go-in-batches-using-golang-concurrency-for)
[Stack Traces In Go](http://www.goinggo.net/2015/01/stack-traces-in-go.html)
[JSON Encoding in Go: Dealing with Sensitive Fields](http://blakecaldwell.net/blog/2015/1/20/json-encoding-in-go-dealing-with-sensitive-fields.html)
[Calling A Method Via Interface Is Much Slower On ARM](https://github.com/golang/go/issues/9636)
[Re-architecting for Real Scale](https://www.pandastream.com/blog/building-a-scaleable-app-that-can-actually-scale/)
A video encoding service moved from Ruby to Go with significant performance increases.
[An Interview with Gopher Julia Allyce Poladsky](http://www.gophercon.in/blog/2015/01/19/julia/)
[Switcher: A Proxy Server (in go) to Run SSH and HTTP(S) over the same port](https://github.com/jamescun/switcher)
[Matrix 'Digital Rain' Demo written in Go for HTML5 + Canvas](http://tidwall.github.io/digitalrain/)
[Code here.](https://github.com/tidwall/digitalrain) Written in the Go language and compiled to JavaScript with GopherJS.
[ipe: A Go Pusher Server Implementation Compatible with Pusher Client Libraries](https://github.com/dimiro1/ipe)
[Pusher](https://pusher.com/) is a real-time Web app messaging service - this attempts to mimic the backend.
[c2go: C to Go Translation Tool Supporting Go Toolchain Migration](https://github.com/rsc/c2go)
Not a general C to Go translation tool, alas, but specifically for the Go toolchain migration mentioned in the last issue.
[Generating Pretty URLs for SEO in Go using String and Regex Packages](https://gist.github.com/techslides/8978661)
[Goth: Multi Provider Authentication for Go](http://metabates.com/2014/10/15/goth-multi-provider-authentication-for-go)