[Game Development in Go](http://www.j15r.com/blog/2015/01/25/Game_Development_in_Go)
A look at why the author chose Go for a hobby gamedev project and how he approached it. Now I’m considering Go for the next [Ludum Dare](http://ludumdare.com/compo/) too.
[Honest Question: What Do You Consider Go's Biggest Strength?](http://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/2trtua/honest_question_what_do_you_consider_gos_biggest/)
[13 Short Go Tutorials with Videos](https://gist.github.com/honkskillet/bd1f72223dd8e06b5ce6)
Covering bite size topics such as installation on the Mac, packages, syntax, loops, if/else, methods, interfaces, etc.
[Announcing Hound: A Lightning Fast Code Search Tool](https://codeascraft.com/2015/01/27/announcing-hound-a-lightning-fast-code-search-tool/)
From Etsy comes Hound, a tool for quickly searching large, complex codebases. Naturally, it’s written in Go.
[Comcast: A Poor Network Connection Simulator](https://github.com/tylertreat/Comcast)
Tinkers behind the scenes with ipfw/pfctl/iptables/tc to make your network temporarily act poorly to enable more realistic testing.
[Go's Connection Pool, Retries, and Timeouts](https://vividcortex.com/blog/2015/01/19/gos-connection-pool-retries-and-timeouts/)
“This is a story of intermittent 500 Internal Server errors from APIs, that ended up being caused by a hardcoded constant in Go’s database/sql package.”
[Beautifully Simple Benchmarking with Go](http://www.soroushjp.com/2015/01/27/beautifully-simple-benchmarking-with-go/)
A straightforward look at doing some simple performance tests on a function.
[Getting started with Go and Docker](http://blog.tutum.co/2015/01/27/getting-started-with-golang-on-docker/)
Ultimately aimed at deploying on the author’s platform, but the basics are generic enough.
[Go's io.Reader Interface](https://medium.com/@mschuett/golangs-reader-interface-bd2917d5ce83)
Also aims to provide a good overview of implementing interfaces in general.
[Parsing Command Line Arguments in Go (and Introducing mow.cli)](https://jawher.me/2015/01/13/parsing-command-line-arguments-shameless-plug-mowcli/)
A comprehensive look at different approaches to parsing command line arguments and invoking code paths based on them.
[Our Experience with (Porting a JRuby App to) Golang](http://www.scriptrock.com/blog/our-experience-with-golang)
An extensive first hand case study of why a team ported a 30K LOC app from JRuby to Go and what the pros and cons were.
[Implementing A Tor Relay From Scratch](http://www.tvdw.eu/blog/2015/01/24/implementing-a-tor-relay-from-scratch/)
[AppStract: Analyzes Go Program Structure from its GitHub Repo](http://go-appstract.appspot.com/)
[go-tld: A TLD Parser in Go](https://github.com/jpillora/go-tld)
Has the same API as net/url but adds Subdomain, Domain, TLD and Port fields.
[Prometheus: An Open-Source Service Monitoring System and Time Series Database](https://developers.soundcloud.com/blog/prometheus-monitoring-at-soundcloud)
SoundCloud introduce their open-source monitoring solution which has been in development since 2012. Built on Go.
[mow.cli: A Versatile Library for Building Command Line Applications](https://github.com/jawher/mow.cli)
[Gotalk: Async Peer Communication Protocol + Library](http://rsms.me/2015/01/21/gotalk.html)
Makes it easy for programs to talk with one another over the net.