[Package Names](http://blog.golang.org/package-names)
A look at the guidelines behind naming packages and other names in Go, including a look at the practices used in the standard library.
[Go Kit: Go in The Modern Enterprise](http://peter.bourgon.org/go-kit/)
A quick writeup of the ideas behind a talk given at FOSDEM, particularly on how Go can easily fit into a service-oriented world but what it needs to make it even better for modern enterprise use.
[Operation Go: A Routine Mission - An Online Golang Game](http://gocode.io/)
Essentially a series of ‘missions’ that you have to tweak a Go program to pass. Warning: Music autoplays.
[AWS Elastic Beanstalk Now Supports Go](http://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2015/02/06/aws-elastic-beanstalk-supports-go/)
Amazon’s Elastic Beanstalk makes it easier to deploy, manage and scale apps and now includes Go 1.3 and 1.4 support.
[Go Concurrency Is Not Parallelism: Real World Lessons with Monte Carlo Simulations](http://www.soroushjp.com/2015/02/07/go-concurrency-is-not-parallelism-real-world-lessons-with-monte-carlo-simulations/)
[Go Patterns: Timers and Debouncers](https://www.new-bamboo.co.uk/blog/2015/02/10/go-patterns-timers-and-debouncers/)
Patterns for dealing with delayed code execution in Go.
[Notes About Building and Packaging a Go Executable for the Mac App Store](http://gazed.github.io/notesOnBuildScripts.html)
[Mocking Command Line Flags and stdin in Go](http://thoughtsfromplac.es/mocking-command-line-flags-and-stdin-in-go/)
[Loose Coupling in Go](http://blog.8thlight.com/javier-saldana/2015/02/06/loose-coupling-in-go-lang.html)
A look at a couple of Go features that help in implementing loose coupling: interfaces and higher-order functions.
[Build An IRC Bot in Go with RethinkDB Changefeeds](http://rethinkdb.com/blog/go-irc-bot/)
[Building CLIs with Go (Part 1)](http://jen20.com/2015/01/31/clis-with-go-part-1.html)
[Fault Tolerance in Go](http://thediscoblog.com/blog/2015/02/07/fault-tolerance-in-go/)
[gosms: A Local SMS Gateway Built in Go](http://haxpax.github.io/gosms/)
Interacts with GSM modems.
[gawp: A Simple, Configurable, File Watching, Job Execution Tool Implemented in Go](https://github.com/martingallagher/gawp)
[struc: Better Binary Packing for Go](https://github.com/lunixbochs/struc)
Pack and unpack C-style structures from bytes as used in binary files and network protocols.
[geo-golang: GeoService in Go](https://github.com/codingsince1985/geo-golang)
A geocoding service developed in an idiomatically Go-style way. Works with Google Maps, MapQuest, OpenCage and HERE out of the box.
[Lime Text Editor](http://limetext.org/)
Editor primarily developed in Go that aims to be an open-source successor to Sublime Text with API compatibility. Very much a work in progress.
[vim-go: Go Development Plugin for Vim](https://github.com/fatih/vim-go)
[gopong: An HTML5 Pong Implementation in Go](https://github.com/dimiro1/gopong)
Uses gopherjs to compile it down.