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## FEATURED ## [goqu: An Expressive SQL Builder and Query Library](https://github.com/doug-martin/goqu) Aims to make the generation of SQL easy, provides a DSL for the most common SQL expressions, and has a simple query API too. [Go: How I Start](http://howistart.org/posts/go/1) A ‘from scratch’ look at beginning to use Go and how Peter Bourgon, a Go evangelist and engineer at SoundCloud, likes to get a Go project started. [30 Videos from GopherConIndia 2015](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxFC1MYuNgJTY3uQ5Ja4F5Sz305nnrBOq) GopherConIndia was a single track Go conference in India that took place last month. Many videos are available, some of which we’ll link separately in the next few issues. [Introducing the first ops platform for developers](https://opbeat.com/?campaign=golangweekly) Performance metrics, error logging, release tracking and mobile alerts in one killer tool. When an error happens, Opbeat will show you the code that is breaking, who wrote it, and how it is affecting performance. Experimental Go support. Go Newsletter readers get $100 credit. [Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) in Go](http://tepid.org/tech/go-lcs/) A look at implementing an algorithm to solve a common computer science problem in Go. [Debugging Go in GDB](http://cevaris.com/2015/03/08/debugging-golang-in-gdb/) A quick tutorial on debugging a simple Go program using the popular GNU debugger. [Go Developers Talk Shop at GopherConIndia 2015](http://thenewstack.io/tns-analysts-show-33-go-developers-talk-shop-at-gopherconindia-2015/) A 40 minute discussion between William Kennedy, Julia Poladksy, Francesc Campoy Flores, Verónica López, and Satish Talim, organizer of GopherConIndia. [Go and the Modern Enterprise](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFR_7AKkJFU) At the London Go Gathering 2015, Peter Bourgon spoke about Go’s place in the ‘modern enterprise’ and introduced the gokit distributed programming toolkit. [Go 1.5 Concurrent Garbage Collector Pacing](https://docs.google.com/a/peterc.org/document/d/1wmjrocXIWTr1JxU-3EQBI6BK6KgtiFArkG47XK73xIQ/preview?sle=true) Prior to Go 1.5, Go has used a parallel stop-the-world (STW) collector but 1.5 introduces a concurrent collector. This document looks at how to ‘pace’ the GC to both be effective and CPU efficient. ## IN BRIEF ## [Practical Tips for Creating a Go Package Successfully](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vl4Yd4lzuL4=PLxFC1MYuNgJTY3uQ5Ja4F5Sz305nnrBOq=11) Also written [in a shorter note form.](https://sourcegraph.com/blog/live/gopherconindia/111549976927) [Raytracing in Go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5u-mQKI6syQ) Guillaume presents some examples of pictures from projects in his first year at the European Institute of Technology. [Genex: A Regular Expression 'Expander'](https://github.com/alixaxel/genex) Give Genex a regular expression and it’ll spit out the possible strings it could match. [Decimal: An Arbitrary-Precision Fixed-point Decimal Library](http://engineering.shopspring.com/2015/03/03/decimal/) [RelayR: Simple Real-Time Web Communication APIs for Go](https://github.com/simon-whitehead/relayR) [bongo: A Go ODM (Object Document Mapper) for MongoDB](https://github.com/maxwellhealth/bongo) [Algernon: HTTP/2 Web Server That Can Serve Markdown and Lua Scripts](https://github.com/xyproto/algernon) [go-thumber: A Dynamic JPEG Thumbnailing Proxy](https://github.com/pixiv/go-thumber) [gocassa: A High Level Cassandra Library in Go, on top of gocql](https://github.com/hailocab/gocassa) [Elastic: An Elasticsearch client for the Go programming language](http://olivere.github.io/elastic/)


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