
polaris · 2015-03-22 04:34:50 · 4251 次点击 · 大约8小时之前 开始浏览    置顶
这是一个创建于 2015-03-22 04:34:50 的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

Golang Internals: A Four Part Dive Into the Go Compiler
A series of posts looking at how the Go compiler does its thing, looking at core concepts, typecasting, linking, and function metadata respectively.

Object Oriented Programming in Go
A recording of a recent live session given by William Kennedy, a Go trainer, on doing object oriented style programming with Go, even though it’s not specifically an OO language.

Creating Fakes in Go with Channels
Fakes are a common testing technique that involve creating a bare implementation of an interface that you can use in testing.

GXUI: An Experimental Cross Platform UI Library
Still at an early stage and written by a couple of Googlers as an experiment, they now want to see if it can grow into something better.

Why Go Resonates with BDD Creator Dan North
“From a developer perspective, it’s a very nice language. If you’re a purist, of course, it’s dreadful.”

Go Report Card: Get a Report on Go Code in a GitHub Project
A Gopher Gala Hackathon project that takes a GitHub URL, scans the Go code in that repository, and reports on its ‘quality’.


A Brian Kernighan Co-Authored Go Book is Under Development

HTML Forms and Go

'continue' Statements with Labels

Quick-and-Dirty Debugging in Golang

Embracing the Standard Library

A Few Notes On Choosing Between Go and D for a Quick Project

gosrc.org: Like godoc.org But With Cross References and More

Cloud GoX: A Go Cross-Compiler in the Cloud
You can deploy your own version to Heroku too.

gorpc: Simple, Fast and Scalable RPC Library for High Load

Media: For Building Audio Applications with Go
So far it’s just support for media decoding via mpg123 and playback via libao.

Collaborative Apps with Go at Citrix

go-resources: Unfancy Resource Embedding for Go Webapps

cc: A Cross-Platform C Compiler Being Written in Go
An in-progress hobby project.


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1 回复  |  直到 2015-03-23 14:04:32
lhlt138 · #1 · 10年之前


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