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## FEATURED ## [Golang UK Conference (August 21 in London, UK)](http://www.golanguk.com/) It seems there’s a new Go conference on the scene this summer. There’s a call for speakers open until the end of May if you want to speak. [The State of Go in 2015 with Andrew Gerrand](https://thechangelog.com/148/) Core team member Andrew Gerrand is featured in an 80 minute podcast interview with The Changelog talking about the state of Go and what’s coming in 1.5 and 1.6. [The first ops platform for developers](https://opbeat.com/) When an error happens, Opbeat will show you the code that is breaking, who wrote it, and how it is affecting performance. Experimental Go support. Go newsletter readers get $100 credit. [(Text) Interview with Go's Russ Cox and Sameer Ajmani](http://www.pl-enthusiast.net/2015/03/25/interview-with-gos-russ-cox-and-sameer-ajmani/) “The most important thing I learned is that a successful programming language is about far more than the language itself.” [ASCII Table Writer: Generate ASCII-drawn Tables](https://github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter) Quite flexible, automatically pads, supports multiple line entries, alignments, custom separators, and more. Ideal to present tabular info in a CLI situation. [Why Go’s Design Is A Disservice to Intelligent Programmers](http://nomad.so/2015/03/why-gos-design-is-a-disservice-to-intelligent-programmers/) Very opinionated. Sparked much discussion on Hacker News. (Note: Inclusion is not endorsement.) ## IN BRIEF ## [GopherCon 2015 CFP Open till March 31](http://cfp.gophercon.com/events/gc15) The conference itself takes place in Denver, CO over July 7-10. [Komodo 9 Released: A Cross-Platform IDE That Now Supports Go](http://komodoide.com/) [HTTPS and Go](https://www.kaihag.com/https-and-go/) [Fulfilling A Pikedream: The Ups of Downs of Porting 50k Lines of C++ to Go](https://togototo.wordpress.com/2015/03/07/fulfilling-a-pikedream-the-ups-of-downs-of-porting-50k-lines-of-c-to-go/) [Dynamic HTTP Routing in Go with Travel](https://asynch.ro/blog/2015/03/19/dynamic-http-routing-in-go-with-travel/) [go-bqstreamer: Stream Data Into Google BigQuery Quickly and Concurrently](https://github.com/rounds/go-bqstreamer) [Go-menu: Simple Interactive Command Line Menus](http://blog.turret.io/go-menu-simple-interactive-command-line-menus/) [Pastedown: An Open-Source, Self-Hosted Pastebin Server in Go](http://pastedown.ctrl-c.us/) [Puzzl: An Sliding Puzzle Game for Your Terminal](https://github.com/pravj/puzzl) [Dedent: Remove Leading Whitespace From Multiline Strings](https://github.com/renstrom/dedent) [go-pry: A Pry-esque REPL for Go](https://github.com/d4l3k/go-pry) If you’ve used the powerful Pry Ruby REPL, go-pry aims to provide some of the same features to Go. [netbug: Provides A Handler for Registering Profilers On Your Own ServeMux](https://github.com/e-dard/netbug) Could be useful to folks who want to have remote profilers available on their live services, without being tied to the default servemux. [httpdiff: Performs Same Request Against 2 HTTP Servers and Diffs The Results](https://github.com/jgrahamc/httpdiff)


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