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## FEATURED ## [Introducing A Cross-Platform Debugger for Go](http://blog.mailgun.com/introducing-a-new-cross-platform-debugger-for-go/) Not just a debugger, but also a very clever browser-based example and demo via the power of GopherJS. [Go for C++ Developers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2bLGIw4o7k) A member of the Go core team looks at the basics of Go, specifically from the perspective of a C++ developer, and how C++ concepts map (or don’t map) to Go. [Building Minimal Docker Containers for Go Applications](http://blog.codeship.com/building-minimal-docker-containers-for-go-applications/) A look at a way to create ‘extremely small’ containers by statically building your Go apps. [Dependency Injection, Duck Typing, and Clean Code in Go](http://txt.fliglio.com/2015/04/di-duck-typing-and-clean-code-in-go/) A walk through refactoring a simple CLI application by using dependency injection and duck typing. [Hacking on Heka](http://words.volant.is/articles/hacking-heka-part-i/) Investigating and fixing a bug in Mozilla’s data collection and processing tool, Heka, which is written primarily in Go. [Go Developer Community Survey](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Y-hzAmurNemB1mYVZ2MbANuHZWdliDWQW0bjNkcxqZ8/viewform) The Go team would like to know more about your development environment and tooling. This information will be used help the team determine priorities for future projects. [Four Days of Go](http://www.evanmiller.org/four-days-of-go.html) In-depth thoughts from an experienced developer new to Go. “If I had to guess, I’d say the Go gopher suffers from a mild form of autism. I get the same feeling about the Go language [.. but] despite my misgivings [,] I’ve been enjoying my initial experiences.” ### IN BRIEF ### [GopherCon 2015 Final Speakers Announced](http://blog.gopheracademy.com/gophercon2015-speakers-round-3/) [Replacing Rails with Go](http://madebymany.com/blog/replacing-rails-part-1-lets-go) [Using Go's Interfaces At Clever - More Than Just Easy Collaboration](http://engineering.clever.com/2015/04/17/using-gos-interfaces-at-clever---more-than-just-easy-collaboration/) [Go's Error Handling: Good and Bad](http://openmymind.net/Golangs-Error-Handling-Good-And-Bad/) [go-getter: Like 'go get' But with Pinned Package Versions](https://github.com/joewalnes/go-getter) [Delve: A Debugger for Go TOOLS](https://github.com/derekparker/delve) [envconfig: Small Library to Read Configuration From Environment Variables](https://github.com/vrischmann/envconfig) [Jobs: A Persistent and Flexible Background Jobs Library](https://github.com/albrow/jobs)


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