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最近使用Go写crawler,使用gdb后发现不能显示gorountine的信息。 查看了下golang的文档 >A recent extension mechanism to GDB allows it to load extension scripts for a given binary. The tool chain uses this to extend GDB with a handful of commands to inspect internals of the runtime code (such as goroutines) and to pretty print the built-in map, slice and channel types. >If you'd like to see how this works, or want to extend it, take a look at src/runtime/ in the Go source distribution. It depends on some special magic types (hash<T,U>) and variables (runtime.m and runtime.g) that the linker (src/cmd/ld/dwarf.c) ensures are described in the DWARF code. source下/usr/local/go/src/runtime/runtime-gdb.py这个文件就可以了打印运行时一些信息了. 注意: ![info_goroutines]( 如果遇到上面这个错误, 直接下载 这个里面的runtime-gdb.py进行替换。 另外提供一个tip, 由于每次source其实非常麻烦,所以gdb支持加载配置 ``` gdb -x gdb.config ``` gdb.config 可以加入你想要的语句,如: ``` source /usr/local/go/src/runtime/ ``` 本文来源:


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