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## FEATURED ## [Go Crypto: Bridging The Performance Gap](https://blog.cloudflare.com/go-crypto-bridging-the-performance-gap/) Cloudflare are big Go fans and have been working on high performance, assembly-based implementations of crypto functions which they aim to feed back to the official Go build. For now, you can use their special fork of Go to try them out. [Handling Errors in HTTP Handlers in Go](http://mwholt.blogspot.nl/2015/05/handling-errors-in-http-handlers-in-go.html) A look at three possible ways for handling errors in your HTTP handlers in Go-based Web applications. [Building Go projects with 'gb'](https://walledcity.com/supermighty/building-go-projects-with-gb) ‘gb’ is a new Go-based reproducible build tool that works with the existing Go toolchain and helps manage dependencies. [XMLGen: A Tool for Generating Native Go Types From XML](https://github.com/dutchcoders/xmlgen) Feed XMLGen an XML file and it creates the relevant type of nested structs and other data types to represent what’s within it. [go-bootstrap: An Opinionated Go Web Project Generator](http://go-bootstrap.io/) A tool that generates a ‘lean and mean’ Go Web project, using Postgres for the database (but no ORM) and Bootstrap for UI. [build.golang.org: History and Future](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1QiJkyUXtSYTn0iejj3bivxre1M7f5zoUYBtYR7-YNrA/edit) The slidedeck from a talk core Go developer Brad Fitzpatrick gave yesterday. ## IN BRIEF [GoBooks: A Curated List of Go Books](https://github.com/dariubs/GoBooks) [Go's net/context and http.Handler](https://joeshaw.org/net-context-and-http-handler/) [Writing Handsome Golang Middleware](http://laicos.com/writing-handsome-golang-middleware/) [Getting Started with aws-sdk-go and CloudFormation](http://junctionbox.ca/2015/05/02/golang-aws-cloudformation.html) [h2i: An Interactive HTTP/2 Console Debugger](https://github.com/bradfitz/http2/tree/master/h2i) Send raw HTTP/2 frames, type in HTTP/1 and have it auto packed for HTTP/2, pretty print all received HTTP/2 frames, and more. [go-disque: A Client for Disque, the New In-Memory Queue by the Creator of Redis](https://github.com/EverythingMe/go-disque) [c6: A High Performance Sass Compiler in Go](https://github.com/c9s/c6) C6 is a Sass implementation written in Go, but with extra goals of extending the syntax of time. [boxed: A Dropbox Based Blog Engine](https://github.com/tejo/boxed) [gdb: A GDB/MI Interface for Go](https://github.com/cyrus-and/gdb) [Risotto: Compiles JSX (JavaScript to JavaScript) using Go](https://github.com/mamaar/risotto)


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