[Traps, Gotchas, and Common Mistakes for New Go Devs](http://devs.cloudimmunity.com/gotchas-and-common-mistakes-in-go-golang/)
An extensive list of 52 Go ‘gotchas’ split into beginner, intermediate and advanced levels, each with a description and code examples.
[The Cultural Evolution of gofmt](https://talks.go-zh.org/2015/gofmt-en.slide)
Slide deck covering the history and motivation for the gofmt code formatting tool, plus how it works.
[Boom: HTTP(S) Load Generator, Written in Go](https://github.com/rakyll/boom)
Billing itself as an ‘ApacheBench (ab) replacement’, Boom is a tiny program that can provide a load to a webapp you want to test/stress.
[Tollbooth: An HTTP Rate Limiter Middleware](http://didipkerabat.com/posts/1432264032306462173-tollbooth-http-rate-limiter-middleware-in-go.html)
“For example, you may want to allow unlimited access to / but limit access to POST /login for as much as 10 requests per second per remote IP.”
[Licensing Issues Block Crypto Optimizations From CloudFlare](http://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/36f1d6/crypto_optimizations_for_go_from_cloudflareintel/)
“Intel do not wish to publish this code under the Go license and having bits of the Go repo under different licenses is sufficiently unpleasant that counsel didn’t want to entertain the idea.”
## IN BRIEF ##
[Go 1.5 Compilation Likely to be Slower than 1.4](https://groups.google.com/d/msg/golang-dev/6obxRcm-rqc/5k6016u41oEJ)
[Interview with Brian Ketelsen and Erik St. Martin about GopherCon 2015](https://changelog.com/158/)
[Struct Composition with Go](http://dave.cheney.net/2015/05/22/struct-composition-with-go)
[HMAC in Go, Python, Ruby, PHP, and Node](http://blog.turret.io/hmac-in-go-python-ruby-php-and-nodejs/)
[Go Is Unapologetically Flawed, Here’s Why We Use It](http://bravenewgeek.com/go-is-unapologetically-flawed-heres-why-we-use-it/)
[Manual Memory Management in Go](https://deferpanic.com/blog/manual-memory-management-in-go/)
[Go Hardware: A Directory of Hardware Related Tools, and Tutorials for Go TOOLS](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware)
[go-flagged: Declarative Flag Parameters As Struct Tags](https://github.com/Urban4M/go-flagged)
[xopen: Open Files for Buffered Reading and Writing](https://github.com/brentp/xopen)
[xurls: Extract URLs From Plain Text using Regular Expressions](https://github.com/mvdan/xurls)
[Couchcache: RESTful Caching Micro-Service Backed by Couchbase Server](https://github.com/codingsince1985/couchcache/)
Based on official Couchbase Go SDK gocb.