
polaris · 2015-05-29 01:13:48 · 3938 次点击 · 大约8小时之前 开始浏览    置顶
这是一个创建于 2015-05-29 01:13:48 的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

The State of Go 1.5
A slide deck by a core team member that looks at Go 1.5, scheduled for release in August. Its tool chain has been converted from C to Go, GC latency is improved, there’s support for Android and experimental support for iOS, plus a lot more.

Go in Go
“As of the 1.5 release of Go, the entire system is now written in Go. (And a little assembler.) C is gone.” A look at some of the background to this move.

A Look Inside Caddy, a Web Server Written in Go
Caddy is a Web server (a la nginx or Apache) written in Go that supports HTTP/2 and uses interesting ideas like middleware based routing.

melody-jsnes: Multiplayer NES via WebSockets and Go
Connects together the JSNES JavaScript NES emulator with a Go server and WebSockets to enable two player support in the browser.

A New Go 1.5 GOMAXPROCS Default?
“To date, the default setting of GOMAXPROCS in Go releases has been 1. For Go 1.5, we propose to change the default to the number of CPUs available.”


Securing a Restful JSON API with JWT Authentication in Go

Developing in Go with the Nix Package Manager

Go: The Price of interface{}

The Go Beartrap Lying in the Shadows

vim-go 1.0.5 Released: A Go Development Plugin for Vim

Go Plugins are as Easy as Pie
Introduces pie, a toolkit for writing plugins in Go

go-ipify: Client Library for ipify, a Simple IP Address API
Use this to retrieve your public IP address via an external service.

Mongolar: An Angular and Go-based CMS

A Terminal-based Tetris Written in Go


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