Go中的switch fallthrough

Hubery · · 20420 次点击 · 开始浏览    置顶
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switch sExpr { case expr1: some instructions case expr2: some other instructions case expr3: some other instructions default: other code } sExpr和expr1、expr2、expr3的类型必须一致。Go的switch非常灵活,表达式不必是常量或整数,执行的过程从上至下,直到找到匹配项;而如果switch没有表达式,它会匹配true。 Go里面switch默认相当于每个case最后带有break,匹配成功后不会自动向下执行其他case,而是跳出整个switch, 但是可以使用fallthrough强制执行后面的case代码。 [http://play.golang.org/p/LySjbnt53q](http://play.golang.org/p/LySjbnt53q) package main import "fmt" func main() { switch { case false: fmt.Println("The integer was <= 4") fallthrough case true: fmt.Println("The integer was <= 5") fallthrough case false: fmt.Println("The integer was <= 6") fallthrough case true: fmt.Println("The integer was <= 7") case false: fmt.Println("The integer was <= 8") fallthrough default: fmt.Println("default case") } } 运行结果: > The integer was <= 5 > > The integer was <= 6 > > The integer was <= 7 从本例可以看出:switch人第一个expr为true的case开始执行,如果case带有fallthrough,程序会继续执行下一条case,不会再判断下一条case的expr,如果之后的case都有fallthrough,default出会被执行。


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