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## FEATURED [Mattermost: A Slack-like Chat System Written in Go](http://www.mattermost.org/) Billed as an ‘open source alternative to Slack’, Mattermost is a team communication service written in Go and available on GitHub. [Go Has A Debugger — And It's Awesome](https://blog.cloudflare.com/go-has-a-debugger-and-its-awesome/) ‘godebug’ is a cross-platform debugger built at Mailgun. It rewrites your code and injects function calls to provide typical debugging functionalities. [Go Checklist: Recommendations for Publishing Go Projects](https://github.com/matttproud/gochecklist) An interesting group of checklists of things to run through before releasing Go code to the world. [A Code of Conduct for The Go Community](https://groups.google.com/d/msg/golang-nuts/sy-YcVPADjg/bcO6LAr29EIJ) Kicking off a discussion about a code of conduct, Andrew says: “We are the Go community; we get to choose what is OK and what is not. It’s not a choice but a responsibility, and it is a responsibility that we have neglected too long.” [Introducing Gollum: A NxM Message Multiplexer Written in Go](http://tech.trivago.com/2015/06/22/gollum/) Gollum is a n:m multiplexer that gathers messages from different sources and broadcasts them to a set of destinations and this is a great introductory post. [Reed-Solomon: Blazingly Fast Reed-Solomon Coding](http://blog.klauspost.com/blazingly-fast-reed-solomon-coding/) Boasts speeds exceeding 1GB/sec per CPU core while being implemented in pure Go. There’s also [an article](https://www.backblaze.com/blog/reed-solomon/) with some background and explanation about what Reed Solomon erasure coding is for. [Echo 1.0.0 Released; Now Considered Production Ready](http://labstack.com/blog/echo-production-ready/) Echo is a fast HTTP router and micro web framework. ## IN BRIEF [The Golang UK Conference Unveils Its Schedule](http://www.golanguk.com/schedule/) [An Introduction to the Consul Key/Value Store API in Go](http://techblog.zeomega.com/devops/golang/2015/06/09/consul-kv-api-in-golang.html) “Consul is a tool for service discovery and key value store for configurations.” [Statically Compiled Go Programs, Always, Even with cgo, using musl](http://dominik.honnef.co/posts/2015/06/statically_compiled_go_programs__always__even_with_cgo__using_musl/) [Go’ing to the Next Level: Lessons from Go at Couchbase](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqxRPDNvnck) [An Alternative Design for 'container/heap' in Go](http://daviddengcn.blogspot.nl/2015/06/an-alternative-design-for-containerheap.html) [What I Talk About When I Talk About Writing a CLI Tool in Go](https://speakerdeck.com/tcnksm/what-i-talk-about-when-i-talk-about-cli-tool-by-golang-number-gocon) [Python, Ruby, and Go: A Command-Line Application Comparison](https://realpython.com/blog/python/python-ruby-and-golang-a-command-line-application-comparison/) [Gor: HTTP Traffic Replay in Real-Time](https://github.com/buger/gor/) An HTTP traffic replication tool written in Go that can replay traffic from production to staging and dev environments. [re2dfa: Transform Regexes Into Finite State Machines and Output Go Source](https://github.com/opennota/re2dfa) [forge: Configuration File Syntax and Parsing for Go](https://github.com/brettlangdon/forge/) [GRequests: A Go Clone of the Python 'Requests' Library](https://github.com/levigross/grequests) A nice API for making HTTP requests. [RequestHub: Receive, Log, and Proxy HTTP requests](https://github.com/kyledayton/requesthub) Inspired by RequestBin, RequestHub receives HTTP requests, can display them in your browser, and forward them to other URLs. It’s written in Go so is easily deployed.


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