Go语言TCP连接池 rocket049/connpool

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`rocket049/connpool`包是本人用go语言开发的,提供一个通用的TCP连接池,初始化参数包括最高连接数、超时秒数、连接函数,放回连接池的连接被重新取出时,如果已经超时,将会自动重新连接;如果没有超时,连接将被复用。 安装( go mod 模式无需安装,可以直接引用 ): `go get -v -u github.com/rocket049/connpool` `go get -v -u gitee.com/rocket049/connpool` 主页: [https://gitee.com/rocket049/connpool/](https://gitee.com/rocket049/connpool/) README.md文件有详细使用说明。 #### 软件架构 ``` type Conn func (s *Conn) Close() error func (s *Conn) Read(p []byte) (int, error) func (s *Conn) Timeout() bool func (s *Conn) Write(p []byte) (int, error) type Pool func NewPool(max, timeout int, factory func() (net.Conn, error)) *Pool func (s *Pool) Close() func (s *Pool) Get() (*Conn, error) func (s *Pool) Put(conn1 *Conn) type Conn Conn - Wrap of net.Conn type Conn struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields } func (s *Conn) Close() error Close - Close the connection func (s *Conn) Read(p []byte) (int, error) Read - Compatible io.Reader func (s *Conn) Timeout() bool Timeout - Test the connection is timeout. return true/false. func (s *Conn) Write(p []byte) (int, error) Write - Compatible io.Write type Pool Pool - Please create Pool with function NewPool type Pool struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields } func NewPool(max, timeout int, factory func() (net.Conn, error)) *Pool NewPool - Create a new Pool struct,and initialize it. max - the max connection number. timeout - the program will use it to set deadline value. factory - wrap of net.Dial(...). func (s *Pool) Close() Close - Close all connections in this Pool func (s *Pool) Get() (*Conn, error) Get - Get a new connection from the Pool func (s *Pool) Put(conn1 *Conn) Put - Put a connection back to the Pool ``` #### 使用说明 ``` import "github.com/rocket049/connpool" //import "gitee.com/rocket049/connpool" func factory() (net.Conn,error) { return net.Dial("tcp","") } func UsePool() { pool1 := connpool.NewPool(10, 30 ,factory) defer pool1.Close() var wg sync.WaitGroup for i:=0;i<50;i++ { wg.Add(1) go func(n int){ // connect conn ,err := pool1.Get() if err!=nil { ... } //send _,err = conn.Write( msg ) if err!=nil{ ... } //recv n1,err := conn.Read( buf ) if err!=nil{ ... } //timeout if conn.Timeout() { pool1.Put(conn) conn ,err := pool1.Get() ... } //close pool1.Put(conn) wg.Done() }(i) } wg.Wait() } ```


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