[StableLib: An LTS Distribution of Go Packages](https://stablelib.com/blog/stablelib-released/)
StableLib is a stable distribution of curated open source Go packages with long-term support. It’s free for open source and personal non-commercial projects.
['Big news! I merged the CL, Go 1.5 will be able to build iOS apps.'](https://twitter.com/rakyll/status/615920271019503616)
The ability to write native iOS apps in pure Go is here.
[Using Go and Docker Together for a Great Workflow](http://blog.crowdpatent.com/a-go-docker-workflow/)
Mostly based around a Makefile that manages the building and running of a Go app within a Docker container.
[GopherChina Trip Report](http://blog.golang.org/gopherchina)
Did you know Go is more popular in China than any other country? Here’s a quick look at what’s going on there, including a visit to a 160 employee all-Go shop.
[GoBooks: A Look at 19 Different Go Books](https://github.com/dariubs/GoBooks)
Some paid, some free - with brief summaries of each.
## IN BRIEF ##
[Golang and Docker on Google App Engine Managed VMs](http://pokstad.com/2015/07/29/golang_and_docker_on_gae.html)
[Writing Microservices in Go](http://nordicapis.com/writing-microservices-in-go/)
A very introductory look, aimed at people new to Go.
[TLS Mutual Auth in GoLang](http://www.bite-code.com/2015/06/25/tls-mutual-auth-in-golang/)
[The Story behind 'Forge', a Configuration File Format and Go Parser](https://brett.is/writing/about/forge-configuration-parser/)
[Why Go and Rust Are Not Competitors](http://dave.cheney.net/2015/07/02/why-go-and-rust-are-not-competitors)
[harp: A Go Application Deploy Tool](https://github.com/bom-d-van/harp)
[Example of Hot-reloading / Hot-swapping Live Template Files in Go](https://gist.github.com/EricLagerg/1e6ea402afc1727ff787)
[varcaser: Library to Transform Names Between Common Variable Casing Conventions](https://github.com/danverbraganza/varcaser)
[gomphs: A Tool to Ping Multiple Hosts At Once](https://github.com/42wim/gomphs)
[GoRethink 1.0 Released: A RethinkDB Driver for Go](https://github.com/dancannon/gorethink/releases/tag/v1.0.0)
[Deputy: A Go Package That Adds Smarts On Top of os/exec](https://github.com/juju/deputy)
There’s [a post](http://npf.io/2015/06/deputy/) explaining more.