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## FEATURED [Go, Open Source, and Community](http://blog.golang.org/open-source) A transcript of Russ Cox’s Gophercon 2015 keynote where he outlined the state of the Go project and how he sees things evolving. This is a must read if you didn’t see the kynote. [Handling 1 Million Requests per Minute with Go](http://marcio.io/2015/07/handling-1-million-requests-per-minute-with-golang/) An engineer needed to build a system that could handle a heavy load (telemetry data POSTed from millions of endpoints). Here’s his story of how he iterated on a solution using Go. [Go 1.5 Beta 1 Released](https://groups.google.com/d/msg/golang-nuts/0Twz24CjYas/gdkG4nKjY34J) The final release is expected on August 1st. [The Evolution of Go](https://sourcegraph.com/blog/live/gophercon2015/123645585015) Notes from a talk by Robert Griesemer, one of the designers of the Go language, on Go’s intent, the history of languages before Go, and the future for Go. [Supercharging the Atom Editor for Go Development](http://marcio.io/2015/07/supercharging-atom-editor-for-go-development/) A look at tweaking GitHub’s open source Atom editor for Go work. [Go GC: Solving the Latency Problem in Go 1.5](https://sourcegraph.com/blog/live/gophercon2015/123574706480) Notes from a GopherCon session on reducing Go’s currently lengthy garbage collection pauses. ## IN BRIEF [Google App Engine for Go now in General Availability](https://groups.google.com/d/msg/google-appengine-go/as9wUqT77YU/FPSjVFNTBHcJ) The ‘beta’ label is removed and App Engine’s SLA and Deprecation Policy now includes App Engine for Go. [Go in the Modern Enterprise Using gokit](https://changelog.com/163/) An (audio) interview with Peter Bourgon, the creator of gokit, a toolkit for building microservices using Go in the modern enterprise. [An Exercise in Profiling a Go Program](http://thornydev.blogspot.cz/2015/07/an-exercise-in-profiling-go-program.html) [Scope and Shadowing in Go](http://blog.charmes.net/2015/06/scope-and-shadowing-in-go.html) [Adding Unsupported Instructions in Golang Assembler](http://blog.klauspost.com/adding-unsupported-instructions-in-golang-assembler/) Very high end and niche but may appeal to some. [10 Things You (Probably) Don't Know About Go](https://talks.golang.org/2012/10things.slide) A few years old but worth a revisit. [Semaphore CI: A better way to run your Go tests](https://semaphoreci.com/) Join CoreOS, 500px and others who’ve improved productivity with Semaphore. Zero setup, fast execution and expert support. [Kati: An Experimental GNU Make Clone from Google](https://github.com/google/kati) [Reborn: Distributed Database Fully Compatible with Redis Protocol](https://github.com/reborndb/reborn) [go-trending: Library for Accessing Trending Repositories and Devs on GitHub](https://github.com/andygrunwald/go-trending) [store: Simple and Fast Redis-Backed Key-Value Store Library for Go](https://github.com/gosuri/go-store)


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