Go 实现的定时任务管理

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#### Go 实现的定时任务管理 `定时任务` 是平常比较常见的需求,`linux crontab` 只提供分钟级别的任务执行,并且定时任务一多管理起来比较麻烦,还有可能 `crontab` 文件被误删除,没有备份的话比较悲剧。 因此用 `go` 实现了一个定时任务管理的项目,通过 `Swagger api` 来进行定时任务的管理,可以添加、删除、修改和查看定时任务,同时收集定时任务的输出作为日志可以查看,并且可以提供秒级定时任务。 定时任务是基于[https://github.com/robfig/cron](https://github.com/robfig/cron) 这个包来做的。让定时任务管理起来更方便。`read me` 如下: ##### Features - **cron jobs(crud)** - **logs for cron jobs** - **swagger apis** ##### Steps 1. Cofig your `redis` `mysql` `http server port` `log` and `JWT key` . 2. `go run main/main.go -create_table` to run the server and create tables in mysql database at first time, `go run main/main.go` just run the server. 3. Open your browser and type [http://localhost:8888/swagger/index.html](http://localhost:8888/swagger/index.html) in 4. add a cron job ##### Need kown 1. Jobs will stop if you stop the server, and jobs will start which status is 1(1 means run, 0 means stop) when the server restart. 2. If you want to exec mutiple commands please post params below: ``` { "command": "cd /data/test;python3 test.py", // mutiple commands split by ';' "name": "test1", // job name "spec": "*/10 * * * * *", // run every ten seconds "status": 1 // 1 means add the job and run, 0 means add the job but not run(only run when status is 1) } ``` 3. jobs stored in redis and jobs' logs stored in mysql 4. cron jobs based on https://github.com/robfig/cron, so make sure you job spec are correct or it will return `bad request` when you add or update a cron job.Documentation here:https://godoc.org/github.com/robfig/cron Github here [https://github.com/gensword/cronmanager](https://github.com/gensword/cronmanager) `Go` 新手,希望大家多多指点,给予好的意见。


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