文件名 | 短描述(Short) | 完整描述(Long) |
clean.go | clean a Revel application’s temp files | Clean the Revel web application named by the given import path. For example: revel clean github.com/robfig/revel/samples/chat It removes the app/tmp directory. |
new.go | create a skeleton Revel application | New creates a few files to get a new Revel application running quickly. It puts all of the files in the given import path, taking the final element in the path to be the app name. For example: revel new import/path/helloworld |
package.go | package a Revel application (e.g. for deployment) | Package the Revel web application named by the given import path. This allows it to be deployed and run on a machine that lacks a Go installation. For example: revel package github.com/robfig/revel/samples/chat |
run.go | run a Revel application | Run the Revel web application named by the given import path. For example, to run the chat room sample application: revel run github.com/robfig/revel/samples/chat dev The run mode is used to select which set of app.conf configuration should apply and may be used to determine logic in the application itself. Run mode defaults to “dev”. You can set a port as an optional third parameter. For revel run github.com/robfig/revel/samples/chat prod 8080 |
test.go | run all tests from the command-line | Run all tests for the Revel app named by the given import path. For example, to run the booking sample application’s tests: revel test github.com/robfig/revel/samples/booking dev The run mode is used to select which set of app.conf configuration should apply and may be used to determine logic in the application itself. Run mode defaults to “dev”. |
文件名 | 作用 |
package_run.bat.template | windows下运行脚本模板 |
package_run.sh.template | linux下运行脚本模板 |
rev.go | 主函数以及命令解析,运行 |
util.go | 工具函数集合 |
// Cribbed from the genius organization of the "go" command.
type Command struct {
Run func(args []string)
UsageLine, Short, Long string
func (cmd *Command) Name() string {
name := cmd.UsageLine
i := strings.Index(name, " ")
if i >= 0 {
name = name[:i]
return name
var commands = []*Command{
- Command结构很简单,Run来用存储命令的处理函数,而其他三个参数则用来存储命令的形式,简单描述以及完整描述。例如:
var cmdNew = &Command{
UsageLine: "new [path]",
Short: "create a skeleton Revel application",
New creates a few files to get a new Revel application running quickly.It puts all of the files in the given import path, taking the final element in
the path to be the app name.For example:
revel new import/path/helloworld
} - Name函数从UsageLine读取命令名,例如:run,new等。
func init() {
cmdNew.Run = newApp
func newApp(args []string) {
当我们使用类似:revel new myapp的命令时,rev包中的main函数将被调用,并解析其中的参数,接着调用对应命令的Run函数,代码片段如下:
for _, cmd := range commands {
if cmd.Name() == args[0] {