gorp 是一个Go开源ORM框架.
我很含糊的称gorp是一个ORM框架. Go还没有真正的对象, 至少没有一个经典的感觉和Smalltalk/Java一样的,这是"O". gorp不知道任何你struct之间的关系(以后会实现,现在还在TODO list中). 所以"R"也是有质疑的(但是我使用这个名字,因为感觉上更贴切).
"M"是没有问题的. 给定一些Go结构和一个数据库, gorp应该可以减少你的重复代码.
gorp使用Go1 database/sql包. 一个完整可用的兼容驱动程序如下:
遗憾的是SQL数据库很多不一样的问题. gorp提供一个应该被每个数据库厂商实现的Dialect接口, Dialect支持如下数据库:
- PostgreSQL
- sqlite3
这三个数据库都通过了测试, 请查看gorp_test.go, 例如针对这三个数据库的DSN.
- 通过API或tag绑定struct字段到表的列
- 支持事务
- 从struct建立db架构正向工程(来做更好的单元测试)
- 在insert/update/delete的前后提供hook
- 自动为struct生成generate insert/update/delete语句
- 在insert后自动绑定自增主键到struct
- 通过主键删除
- 通过主键选择
- 可选的SQL跟踪日志
- 绑定任意SQL查询到struct
- 可通过一个version column来为update和delete实现乐观锁
# install the library: go get github.com/coopernurse/gorp // use in your .go code: import ( "github.com/coopernurse/gorp" )
现在测试测试包括了MySQL.我需要为测试工具添加额外的驱动, 但是现在你可以克隆repo并设置一个环境变量来为运行"go test"做准备
# Set env variable with dsn using mymysql format. From the mymysql docs, # the format can be of 3 types: # # DBNAME/USER/PASSWD # unix:SOCKPATH*DBNAME/USER/PASSWD # tcp:ADDR*DBNAME/USER/PASSWD # # for example, on my box I use: export GORP_TEST_DSN=gomysql_test/gomysql_test/abc123 # run the tests go test # run the tests and benchmarks go test -bench="Bench" -benchtime 10
gorp使用反射来构造SQL查询和绑定参数. 在gorp_test.go中查看BenchmarkNativeCrud 对 BenchmarkGorpCrud的一个简单的性能测试. 在我的MacBook Pro上它比手写SQL慢大约2%-3%.
type Invoice struct { Id int64 Created int64 Updated int64 Memo string PersonId int64 } type Person struct { Id int64 Created int64 Updated int64 FName string LName string } // Example of using tags to alias fields to column names // The 'db' value is the column name // // A hyphen will cause gorp to skip this field, similar to the // Go json package. // // This is equivalent to using the ColMap methods: // // table := dbmap.AddTableWithName(Product{}, "product") // table.ColMap("Id").Rename("product_id") // table.ColMap("Price").Rename("unit_price") // table.ColMap("IgnoreMe").SetTransient(true) // type Product struct { Id int64 `db:"product_id"` Price int64 `db:"unit_price"` IgnoreMe string `db:"-"` }
然后创建一个映射器, 一般你再app启动时做一次.
// connect to db using standard Go database/sql API // use whatever database/sql driver you wish db, err := sql.Open("mymysql", "tcp:localhost:3306*mydb/myuser/mypassword") // construct a gorp DbMap dbmap := &gorp.DbMap{Db: db, Dialect: gorp.MySQLDialect{"InnoDB", "UTF8"}} // register the structs you wish to use with gorp // you can also use the shorter dbmap.AddTable() if you // don't want to override the table name // // SetKeys(true) means we have a auto increment primary key, which // will get automatically bound to your struct post-insert // t1 := dbmap.AddTableWithName(Invoice{}, "invoice_test").SetKeys(true, "Id") t2 := dbmap.AddTableWithName(Person{}, "person_test").SetKeys(true, "Id") t3 := dbmap.AddTableWithName(Product{}, "product_test").SetKeys(true, "Id")
// create all registered tables dbmap.CreateTables() // drop dbmap.DropTables()
// Will log all SQL statements + args as they are run // The first arg is a string prefix to prepend to all log messages dbmap.TraceOn("[gorp]", log.New(os.Stdout, "myapp:", log.Lmicroseconds)) // Turn off tracing dbmap.TraceOff()
// Must declare as pointers so optional callback hooks // can operate on your data, not copies inv1 := &Invoice{0, 100, 200, "first order", 0} inv2 := &Invoice{0, 100, 200, "second order", 0} // Insert your rows err := dbmap.Insert(inv1, inv2) // Because we called SetKeys(true) on Invoice, the Id field // will be populated after the Insert() automatically fmt.Printf("inv1.Id=%d inv2.Id=%d\n", inv1.Id, inv2.Id)
res, err := dbmap.Exec("delete from invoice_test where PersonId=?", 10)
想要做join? 只写SQL和struct, gorp将绑定他们:
// Define a type for your join // It *must* contain all the columns in your SELECT statement // // The names here should match the aliased column names you specify // in your SQL - no additional binding work required. simple. // type InvoicePersonView struct { InvoiceId int64 PersonId int64 Memo string FName string } // Create some rows p1 := &Person{0, 0, 0, "bob", "smith"} dbmap.Insert(p1) // notice how we can wire up p1.Id to the invoice easily inv1 := &Invoice{0, 0, 0, "xmas order", p1.Id} dbmap.Insert(inv1) // Run your query query := "select i.Id InvoiceId, p.Id PersonId, i.Memo, p.FName " + "from invoice_test i, person_test p " + "where i.PersonId = p.Id" list, err := dbmap.Select(InvoicePersonView{}, query) // this should test true expected := &InvoicePersonView{inv1.Id, p1.Id, inv1.Memo, p1.FName} if reflect.DeepEqual(list[0], expected) { fmt.Println("Woot! My join worked!") }
func InsertInv(dbmap *DbMap, inv *Invoice, per *Person) error { // Start a new transaction trans := dbmap.Begin() trans.Insert(per) inv.PersonId = per.Id trans.Insert(inv) // if the commit is successful, a nil error is returned return trans.Commit() }
在更新数据到数据库(前/后)使用hook, 对时间戳很有效:
// implement the PreInsert and PreUpdate hooks func (i *Invoice) PreInsert(s gorp.SqlExecutor) error { i.Created = time.Now().UnixNano() i.Updated = i.Created return nil } func (i *Invoice) PreUpdate(s gorp.SqlExecutor) error { i.Updated = time.Now().UnixNano() return nil } // You can use the SqlExecutor to cascade additional SQL // Take care to avoid cycles. gorp won't prevent them. // // Here's an example of a cascading delete // func (p *Person) PreDelete(s gorp.SqlExecutor) error { query := "delete from invoice_test where PersonId=?" err := s.Exec(query, p.Id); if err != nil { return err } return nil }
PostGet PreInsert PostInsert PreUpdate PostUpdate PreDelete PostDelete All have the same signature. for example: func (p *MyStruct) PostUpdate(s gorp.SqlExecutor) error
乐观锁 (有点像JPA)
// Version is an auto-incremented number, managed by gorp // If this property is present on your struct, update // operations will be constrained // // For example, say we defined Person as: type Person struct { Id int64 Created int64 Updated int64 FName string LName string // automatically used as the Version col // use table.SetVersionCol("columnName") to map a different // struct field as the version field Version int64 } p1 := &Person{0, 0, 0, "Bob", "Smith", 0} dbmap.Insert(p1) // Version is now 1 obj, err := dbmap.Get(Person{}, p1.Id) p2 := obj.(*Person) p2.LName = "Edwards" dbmap.Update(p2) // Version is now 2 p1.LName = "Howard" // Raises error because p1.Version == 1, which is out of date count, err := dbmap.Update(p1) _, ok := err.(gorp.OptimisticLockError) if ok { // should reach this statement // in a real app you might reload the row and retry, or // you might propegate this to the user, depending on the desired // semantics fmt.Printf("Tried to update row with stale data: %v\n", err) } else { // some other db error occurred - log or return up the stack fmt.Printf("Unknown db err: %v\n", err) }