pprof 是用于可视化和分析性能分析数据的工具
CPU Profiling:CPU 分析,按照一定的频率采集所监听的应用程序 CPU(含寄存器)的使用情况,可确定应用程序在主动消耗 CPU 周期时花费时间的位置
Memory Profiling:内存分析,在应用程序进行堆分配时记录堆栈跟踪,用于监视当前和历史内存使用情况,以及检查内存泄漏
Block Profiling:阻塞分析,记录 goroutine 阻塞等待同步(包括定时器通道)的位置
Mutex Profiling:互斥锁分析,报告互斥锁的竞争情况
cpu(CPU Profiling): HOST/debug/pprof/profile,默认进行 30s 的 CPU Profiling,得到一个分析用的 profile 文件
block(Block Profiling):HOST/debug/pprof/block,查看导致阻塞同步的堆栈跟踪
goroutine:HOST/debug/pprof/goroutine,查看当前所有运行的 goroutines 堆栈跟踪
heap(Memory Profiling): HOST/debug/pprof/heap,查看活动对象的内存分配情况
mutex(Mutex Profiling):HOST/debug/pprof/mutex,查看导致互斥锁的竞争持有者的堆栈跟踪
命令go tool
go tool pprof
go tool trace
go tool pprof http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/profile\?seconds\=60
Fetching profile over HTTP from http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/profile?seconds=60
Saved profile in /Users/baxiang/pprof/pprof.samples.cpu.001.pb.gz
Type: cpu
Time: Apr 3, 2019 at 12:20am (CST)
Duration: 1mins, Total samples = 1.08mins (107.69%)
Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands, "o" for options)
(pprof) top10
Showing nodes accounting for 61.29s, 94.69% of 64.73s total
Dropped 55 nodes (cum <= 0.32s)
Showing top 10 nodes out of 43
flat flat% sum% cum cum%
20.93s 32.33% 32.33% 21.72s 33.55% runtime.bulkBarrierPreWrite
10.35s 15.99% 48.32% 10.35s 15.99% runtime.memclrNoHeapPointers
8.58s 13.26% 61.58% 8.58s 13.26% runtime.usleep
8.02s 12.39% 73.97% 8.82s 13.63% runtime.scanobject
6.19s 9.56% 83.53% 6.19s 9.56% runtime.memmove
3.60s 5.56% 89.09% 44.64s 68.96% main.main.func1
1.39s 2.15% 91.24% 1.39s 2.15% runtime.mach_semaphore_timedwait
1.07s 1.65% 92.89% 3.02s 4.67% runtime.notetsleep
0.59s 0.91% 93.81% 0.59s 0.91% runtime.heapBits.bits (inline)
0.57s 0.88% 94.69% 0.61s 0.94% runtime.heapBitsSetType
