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  1. 对于一个的使用多个php 传统MVC框架的人来说 Beego 使用起来很简单。原生支持的Api的resetful的规范
    package controllers
    import (
    type ApiController struct {
    func (a *ApiController)Prepare(){
       a.Ctx.WriteString("This  is the Prepare Method")
    //Beego 是支持resetful 的,对号入座
    func (a *ApiController)Get()  {
       a.Ctx.WriteString("This  is the Get Method")
    func (a *ApiController)Post()  {
       a.Ctx.WriteString("This  is the Post Method")
    func (a *ApiController)Delete()  {
       a.Ctx.WriteString("This  is the Delete Method")
    func (a *ApiController)Put()  {
       a.Ctx.WriteString("This  is the Put Method")
    func (a *ApiController)Head()  {
       a.Ctx.WriteString("This  is the Head Method")
    func (a *ApiController)Options()  {
       a.Ctx.WriteString("This  is the Head Methodn")
    //这个函数实在执行完相应的http Method方法之后执行的,默认是空,
    // 用户可以在子Strcut中重写这个函数,执行例如数据库关闭,清理数据之类的工作
    func (a *ApiController)Finish()  {
       a.Ctx.WriteString("This  is the Head Finish")
  2. golang 的多赋值特性,有需要注意的地方:
    package   main
    import "fmt"
    func  main(){
       x := []int{1,2,3}
       i := 0
       i,x[i] =2,i
       fmt.Println(i,x)//输出的是 2 【0 2 3】
  3.   go 有项目的管理工具,类似于PHP的Composer。go 原始的import 包会去 %GOPATH% 写的src 找,就很容易的把工程的代码包混淆,不容易管理,同时如果要上传整个项目的代码,还要额外去上传src下被引用的包,这就很麻烦了。当然,dep解决的不止这个问题,Golang 也不止dep这个第三方项目管理工具,但是dep听说比较官方。
  4. Dep is a tool for managing dependencies for Go projects
    Usage: "dep [command]"
    init     Set up a new Go project, or migrate an existing one
    status   Report the status of the project's dependencies
    ensure   Ensure a dependency is safely vendored in the project
    version  Show the dep version information
    check    Check if imports, Gopkg.toml, and Gopkg.lock are in sync
    dep init                               set up a new project
    dep ensure                             install the project's dependencies
    dep ensure -update                     update the locked versions of all dependencies
    dep ensure -add github.com/pkg/errors  add a dependency to the project
    Use "dep help [command]" for more information about a command.
  5. 调试go语言出现:exec: "gcc": executable file not found in %PATH%。  意思就是的说系统的PATH 中没有的gcc 的执行命令,我用的是windows,所以的装个系统gcc编译的工具,再将其配置到系统的环境的PATH 中去,安装的链接地址:https://blog.csdn.net/kingmax54212008/article/details/77188836


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