Golang 线程池worker pool 实现

olzhy · · 1139 次点击 · · 开始浏览    
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worker pool的设计常用来加速处理执行较耗时的重任务,且为了避免goroutine的过度创建,需要指定工作池的大小。使用golang的goroutine与chan,数行代码即可实现一个简单的工作池。 <br /> <strong>1 简单 worker pool</strong> <br /> 如下代码中,新建两个channel,一个是works chan,一个是results chan,然后调用startWorkerPool启动指定goroutine个数的工作池。放入5个work到works后关闭通道,然后从results中等待结果即可。 <pre> package main import ( "fmt" "time" ) func do(work int, goroutine int) int { time.Sleep(time.Second) fmt.Printf("goroutine %d done work %d\n", goroutine, work) return work } func worker(works <-chan int, results chan<- int, goroutine int) { for work := range works { results <- do(work, goroutine) } } func startWorkerPool(works <-chan int, results chan<- int, size int) { for i := 0; i < size; i++ { go worker(works, results, i) } } func main() { works := make(chan int, 10) results := make(chan int, 10) startWorkerPool(works, results, 2) for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { works <- i } close(works) // waiting for results for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { <-results } } </pre> 运行结果为: <code>goroutine 0 done work 1 goroutine 1 done work 0 goroutine 0 done work 2 goroutine 1 done work 3 goroutine 0 done work 4 </code> <br /> <strong>2 worker pool封装</strong> <br /> 1中所示的代码难以满足真实业务场景需求,我们需要对worker pool作一层抽象,封装的更通用一点。如下代码封装了一个worker pool,WorkerPool的创建需要传入要处理的任务列表及指定pool的大小,Task为任务的封装,需提供该任务的实现。创建完worker pool,调用pool.Start()即进入多goroutine处理,调用pool.Results()即会阻塞等待所有任务的执行结果。 <pre> package main import ( "errors" "fmt" "time" ) type Task struct { Id int Err error f func() error } func (task *Task) Do() error { return task.f() } type WorkerPool struct { PoolSize int tasksSize int tasksChan chan Task resultsChan chan Task Results func() []Task } func NewWorkerPool(tasks []Task, size int) *WorkerPool { tasksChan := make(chan Task, len(tasks)) resultsChan := make(chan Task, len(tasks)) for _, task := range tasks { tasksChan <- task } close(tasksChan) pool := &WorkerPool{PoolSize: size, tasksSize: len(tasks), tasksChan: tasksChan, resultsChan: resultsChan} pool.Results = pool.results return pool } func (pool *WorkerPool) Start() { for i := 0; i < pool.PoolSize; i++ { go pool.worker() } } func (pool *WorkerPool) worker() { for task := range pool.tasksChan { task.Err = task.Do() pool.resultsChan <- task } } func (pool *WorkerPool) results() []Task { tasks := make([]Task, pool.tasksSize) for i := 0; i < pool.tasksSize; i++ { tasks[i] = <-pool.resultsChan } return tasks } func main() { t := time.Now() tasks := []Task{ {Id: 0, f: func() error { time.Sleep(2 * time.Second); fmt.Println(0); return nil }}, {Id: 1, f: func() error { time.Sleep(time.Second); fmt.Println(1); return errors.New("error") }}, {Id: 2, f: func() error { fmt.Println(2); return errors.New("error") }}, } pool := NewWorkerPool(tasks, 2) pool.Start() tasks = pool.Results() fmt.Printf("all tasks finished, timeElapsed: %f s\n", time.Now().Sub(t).Seconds()) for _, task := range tasks { fmt.Printf("result of task %d is %v\n", task.Id, task.Err) } } </pre> 运行结果为: <br /> <code>1 2 0 all tasks finished, timeElapsed: 2.006011 s result of task 1 is error result of task 2 is error result of task 0 is nil </code> <br /> 本文代码托管地址:<a href="https://github.com/olzhy/go-excercises/tree/master/worker_pool" target="blank">https://github.com/olzhy/go-excercises/tree/master/worker_pool</a> 原文地址:https://leileiluoluo.com/posts/golang-worker-pool.html


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