
蛐蛐儿阳 · · 430 次点击 · · 开始浏览    
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It's ten o'clock PM, I sleep not very well. because last night, i wake up again. it's about three o'clock. some mosquito bite me. that is hard to suffer. so i get up, spraying insecticides, and try to sleep again.
i have no insecticides , i need buy another one.
i still have stomachache, i poo two times. i eat something wrong? i only eat noodle. i boiled instant noodles , put three egg.
i boiled three left.
and i watch book a while, i fell tired and sleepy, i use my phone , timing three hours. and i got to sleep. now i wake up.
but i still fill headache.
oh, look my diary, the disease haunts me, i fight him alone. how spectacular
how sad.
i still finish that diary. and i will buy insecticides, eat lunch at restaurant. take shower. make me fell better.
i got to brush my tooth first. last day i listen four story on YouTobe. of course is english.
i eat a lunch and take a shower , i fell better now. i'm spirited , so i decide learning golang now .
it's just sad how to used go word. I want sit back. I want play phone game. but I remember my diary is not finish. so I got here.
I have nothing to write. one person on flowers. she already find new boyfriend. is already more half years. look what did I do.
I still do not have any friend. what did I do everyday. learning? play? make a friend?
oh. I'm suck.
listen to english story? it's that useful for my new job?
because the virus. every one hate american. the media so powerful in Chinese.
but the virus has gone almost. we can take a breath.
this epidemic situation. one part. little part of people sick and die. I am fine. and I know person all fine. but we all follow in bad situation. for me. I have no job five months ago.
I lost a lot of things. it's still hard to find a new job.
so I study golang. how can I do? watch and learn.
every body in his thoughts trap. I have some money. but I don't know how to use. I just know work. make money. I think I know how to get married. or find girlfriend. but actually I don't know.
I never succeed even one time. I away fail.
is have a girl friend will make my life better? I don't know. I never try.
be single is better or suck? I don't know. I aways single.
I think I need to try. try to have a girlfriend. it better than along. maybe.
like I said. I was in my thought trapped. I think I must have a job. then I can find girlfriend. for now. I just can't.
if you want married. you must have a job. have a house. have money. have time. no parents.
oh. that so hard for every person. is enough words I think. I got to study.





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