cmdline-扩展golang std.flag

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基于golang 1.6.2 flag 源码做了一个扩展

//Ally( modify from std.flag version 1.6.2
//1. Add LogicName and Required field for every flag, and modify the flag define interface
//2. Add Summary and Details for commond line info
//3. Add interface GetUsage() string
//4. Modify the Parse() logic

func main() {
    cmdline.Summary("command copy is used to copy a file to another path.")
    cmdline.Details(`Command copy is used to copy a file to another path.
    If the destnation file is exist, default ask for if will cover it.
    If flag -y used, it will cover the destnation file without ask.
    If flag -n used, it will not cover the destnation file without ask.
    cmdline.String("s", "src", ".", true, "source file path")
    cmdline.String("d", "dst", ".", true, "destnation file path")
    cmdline.Bool("c", "cover", false, false, "if cover the destnation file")
    cmdline.Bool("y", "yes", false, false, "if auto select yes when ask for cover")
    cmdline.Bool("n", "no", false, false, "if auto select no when ask for cover")

    //[error] require but lack of flag -s=<src>
    //Usage of [copy.exe]:
    //  Summary:
    //    command copy is used to copy a file to another path
    //  Usage:
    //    copy.exe [-c=<cover>] -d=<dst> [-n=<no>] -s=<src> [-y=<yes>]
    //  -c=<cover>
    //      if cover the destnation file
    //  -d=<dst>  required  string (default ".")
    //      destnation file path
    //  -n=<no>    if auto select no when ask for cover
    //  -s=<src>  required  string (default ".")
    //      source file path
    //  -y=<yes>
    //      if auto select yes when ask for cover
    //  Details:
    //    Command copy is used to copy a file to another path.
    //    If the destnation file is exist, default ask for if will cover it.
    //    If flag -y used, it will cover the destnation file without ask.
    //    If flag -n used, it will not cover the destnation file without ask.




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