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  • 用const定义常量
  • iota 表示取值为0(const关键字)所在行,后续常量依次加1
  • iota 用来表示递增的数列,用法较多,参考下面的示例代码。


package main

import (

The Go Programming Language.  3.6 Constants
When a sequence of constants is declared as a group, the right-hand
side expression may be omitted for all but the first of the group,
implying that the previous expression and its type should be used
again. For example:
func foo() {
    const (
        a = 1
        c = 2

    fmt.Println(a, b, c, d) // "1 1 2 2"

3.6.1. The Constant Generator iota
A const declaration may use the constant generator iota, which is used
to create a sequence of related values without spelling out each one
explicitly. In a const declaration, the value of iota begins at zero
and increments by one for each item in the sequence.
func bar() {
    type ErrorCode int

    const (
        ERROR_SUCCESS ErrorCode = iota

    error_code := ERROR_SUCCESS
    fmt.Println("default: ", error_code) // default:  0

    error_code = ERROR_SECOND
    fmt.Println("Second: ", error_code) // Second:  2

As iota increments, each constant is assigned the value of 1 << iota,
which evaluates to suc- cessive powers of two, each corresponding to a single bit.

FlagBroadcast:  2
FlagLoopback:  4
FlagPointToPoint:  8
FlagMulticast:  16
func baz() {
    type Flags uint

    const (
        FlagUp Flags = 1 << iota // is up
        FlagBroadcast // 1 << 1 = 2^1 = 2, supports broadcast access capability
        FlagLoopback // 1 << 2 = 2 ^ 2 = 4, is a loopback interface
        FlagPointToPoint // 1 << 3 = 2 ^ 3 = 8, belongs to a point-to-point link
        FlagMulticast // 1 << 4 = 2 ^ 4 = 16, supports multicast access capability

    fmt.Println("FlagUp: ", FlagUp)
    fmt.Println("FlagBroadcast: ", FlagBroadcast)
    fmt.Println("FlagLoopback: ", FlagLoopback)
    fmt.Println("FlagPointToPoint: ", FlagPointToPoint)
    fmt.Println("FlagMulticast: ", FlagMulticast)

As a more complex example of iota, this declaration names the powers of 1024.

KiB:  1024
MiB:  1048576
GiB:  1073741824
TiB:  1099511627776
PiB:  1125899906842624
EiB:  1152921504606846976
func qux() {
    const (
        _ = 1 << (10 * iota)
        KiB // 1 << (10 * 1) = 1 << 10 = 2^10 = 1024
        MiB // 1 << (10 * 2) = 1 << 20 = 2^20 = 1024 * 1024 = 1048576
        GiB // 1 << (10 * 3) = 1 << 30 = 2^30 = 1024^3 = 1073741824
        TiB // 1099511627776
        PiB // 1125899906842624
        EiB // 1152921504606846976
        //ZiB // 1180591620717411303424  //constant 1180591620717411303424 overflows int
        //YiB // 1208925819614629174706176 //constant 1208925819614629174706176 overflows int

    fmt.Println("KiB: ", KiB)
    fmt.Println("MiB: ", MiB)
    fmt.Println("GiB: ", GiB)
    fmt.Println("TiB: ", TiB)
    fmt.Println("PiB: ", PiB)
    fmt.Println("EiB: ", EiB)
    //fmt.Println("ZiB: ", ZiB)
    //fmt.Println("YiB: ", YiB)

func main() {





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