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Go Exercises in Plain Language:Volume 3(英文版)

英文书名:Go Exercises in Plain Language:Volume 3
2017-02-28  Tony de Araujo (作者)  
阅读 3703 次  0 条评论


This book is the bridge. You're about to cross the bridge from basic concepts in Go to a more advanced paradigm. Without knowing these concepts and thinking about them in a practical way, learning Go becomes almost impossible or very difficult at best. Volume 3 offers fewer exercises than previous volumes. Time is invested on concepts in a spirally compelling rediscovery of what we thought we knew, but now we know more.


01- The blank identifier
02- Data types
03- Creating your own types
04- Data type Conversion
05- Checking for types
06- Pointers to memory addresses
07- If: Using declaration statements before condition
08- Switching with an implicit condition
09- Loops
9.1- A standard for loop
9.2- A for loop acting as a while false loop
9.3- A for loop acting as an until true loop
9.4- The Range for loop
9.5- Using a for range loop to iterate over a map
10- Deferring or delaying a statement in a function
10.1- What is defer?
10.2- Deferring can also be used to run a loop in reverse
10.3- Scope in deferring
11.02- To capitalize or not capitalize a struct
11.03- No instantiating necessary in order to use a struct
11.04- Instantiating a blank struct type
11.05- Instantiating a struct type from a declared struct
11.06- Using the keyword new to instantiate a struct
11.07- Summary: Five different ways of instantiating struct
11.08- Creating an ALIAS to a struct using a pointer
11.09- Using METHODOS with structs
11.10- How to pass a type to a receiver by reference
11.11- A method without a receiver
11.12- Receiver functions accept both values and pointers as arguments
11.13- A method can be applied to many types
11.14- No method overloading and what to do about it
11.15- Embedding a struct in another struct –Type embedding
12- INTERFACES – Short introduction as applied to structs
12.1- Introduction
12.2- How to declare an interface
12.3- Using a slice of type reader interface
12.4- Interface summary
13- The MAP data type
13.2- Declaring a map with make
13.3- Adding and editing map items
13.4- Deleting items from a map
13.5- Maps - Testing the presence of a key with a TUPLE assignment
13.5.1- Preamble – What we need to know to understand "testing"
13.5.2- Checking if a key exists
13.6- Maps: Using a for range loop to iterate over a map
14- INTERFACES as argument to functions
14.2- The empty interface type
14.2.1- Printing out the correct data with fmt.Print
14.2.2- Displaying the data type with %T
14.3- Type ASSERTIONS: Extracting the original type from an interface
14.3.1- Why we need type assertion
14.3.2- Further explanation
14.3.3- An assertion example
14.4- The COMMA, OK syntax and how it works
14.4.2- Comma, ok example
14.4.3- Resolving the ok variable
14.5- Using type assertion to branch from an interface parameter
14.5.1- Fixing the problem without using the comma,ok pattern
14.5.2- Using the comma, ok pattern to qualify the input type
14.5.3- The if v, ok := x.(int); ok { pattern
14.6- Type assertion switch
14.7- Using an assertion switch without value assignment
14.8- Review exercise: Using map as an argument
15- Variadic functions
15.1- Passing multiple arguments to a function
15.2- Selecting one argument from all arguments
15.3- Using a loop to print all arguments
15.4- Passing a slice into a variadic function
15.5- Checking the underlying type of arguments in variadic functions
15.6- Using assertions with a slice type on variadic functions
15.6.2- Unpacking the slice from within the empty interface
15.7- Using a variadic parameter of type string
15.8- How to mix other parameters with a variadic paran
15.9- The case for fmt.Print
16- How to input string data from the keyboard
16.2- Introducing OS and BUFIO
16.3- Streams and files
16.4- About NewReader
16.5- About os.Stdin
16.6- About ReadString
16.7- Using a NewReader for multiple input streams

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