I set output directory and working directory. "Run" works, but no exe appears.
HectorJ:This was a bug in the latest EAP, EAP 10, and is fixed in the nightly plugin. You can find the information on how to install the latest nightly at the end of theis article https://blog.jetbrains.com/go/2017/05/12/gogland-eap-8-is-available/
haksli:I think the "Run" option uses the
go run
command, which isn't meant to leave a binary behind.Do you see a "build" option? Here is a screenshot (but it's from my Ubuntu) : https://i.imgur.com/nFBqhLk.png
HectorJ:The "Build main.go and run" is just the name of the configuration. Also, it does not create an exe.
Here's the output I get when I run.
C:\Go\bin\go.exe build -i -o "C:\Users\Emil\GoglandProjects\untitled\Build main.exe" C:\Users\Emil\GoglandProjects\untitled\main.go
"C:\Program Files\JetBrains\Gogland 171.4694.61\bin\runnerw.exe" "C:\Users\Emil\GoglandProjects\untitled\Build main.exe"
hello world
Process finished with exit code 0
Edit: according to this it does build it.
Edit2: But still no exe.
shovelpost:Ah yeah indeed.
Sorry, I was sure it was there because I used to do it, but I can't find the option anymore.
dlsniper:Just wait till dlsniper discovers this and you'll have an answer soon.
Spirit_of_Stallman:Done :D it's hard to keep up to date when changing continents (apparently).
haksli:Do you think it's Gogland support sub?
shovelpost:No, there is no subreddit for gogland. But Gogland is directly tied to Go. And it is the only fully fledged Go IDE.
Spirit_of_Stallman:it is the only fully fledged Go IDE
There's always LiteIDE.
haksli:And it is the only fully fledged Go IDE
Lol (c)(r)(tm)
DualRearWheels:What ?
haksli:I believe there are other IDEs people use.
dlsniper:Right, but all of them(?) rely on plugins.
Killing_Spark:Then what is this? It's a reddit dedicated to Go, tools around Go and so on. Gogland is one such tool. Your trolling needs some massive overhaul.
dlsniper:Not very nice, if still correct
Killing_Spark:How's this any different than when asking similar questions about any other Go related tool? Just wait for 1.9 to be released so that everyone can start asking why did their vim / vscode stopped working with the completion support (as seen in each Go release).
thebwt:Just guessing, never used gogland. But there is Maybe a Button called 'build'. Go programs can be run without the binary beeing build to a non-temporary place.
use the terminal to run "go build" or "go install". I set the default terminal stuff in gogland to handle it all. I'm sure you could make a run configuration, but I personally don't really run my applications locally, I just verify them against goconvey.