I am a user of GoLand but since they are releasing soon (and I am using Go for fun so can't justify buying) what are some of the best free and lightweight IDE's for go? Browsing the community list so far I have found LiteIDE and it looks nice has anyone used it? https://github.com/visualfc/liteide
EDIT: Thanks everyone! Looks like vscode will be what I use. My program is a web site so I use some HTML and CSS (and gopherJS) for the frontend and vscode has a lot of functionality for that built in, which a more lightweight IDE might not have.
fmontag451:lightweight is vim with go plugin. best and free is vscode.
deranjer:Second that. Vscode is amazing for Go.
i-dontevenseethecode:Thanks man, looks like vscode will be what I use. My program is a web site so I use some HTML and CSS (and gopherJS) for the frontend and vscode has a lot of functionality for that built in, which a more lightweight IDE might not have.
samuellampa:Yeah vscode works good for me. My only complaint is you have to save the file before it detects errors or shows errors fixed. But for the price of free...
ooesili:Yep, these are the ones I use (vim + vim-go for quick stuff, and vscode for any more serious stuff, refactorations, etc ...though using vscode more and more over time).
The only third alternative I'd find worth mentioning is LiteIDE (https://github.com/visualfc/liteide ... some screenshots at http://liteide.org/en/liteide/), which works really well, and might be an option for someone not used to vim, and still wanting something faster than vscode.
gaspiman:I haven't done a whole lot with VSCode lately. What is vim-go missing from what Code has? (I want to know what I'm missing out on)
dlsniper:After more than 2 years with Go as our primary language - VSCode is amazing by a large margin compared to Atom, Goglang (now GoLand) and Sublime. More techie devs in our team use Vim too.
fmpwizard:VSCode is amazing by a large margin compared to Atom, Goglang (now GoLand) and Sublime.
Can you please explain what makes this difference for you?
deranjer:not OP but I also moved from Atom to VSCode, main reason was that when I upgrade Go versions, Atom was a mess to get the new plugins I needed, half the setup worked, when I moved to VSCode, it detects the new Go version and offers to download all needed plugins, without me doing anything to trigger it. I also like the way you override user settings, you have a dedicated file that overrides, instead of having to go all over diff screens (maybe Atom also has it, but it was not the default and I really don't want to spend days/eeks learning an editor, I have work to focus on and vs gets that)
exch:I'm not the thread starter but thought I would pitch in:
Thanks for all the work you do on GoLand, it is a good product, I like the look of the interface (so far at least, but I was used to it) more than vscode, although I think it might be easier to find things and set up tasks especially in vscode, it was a little bit of a pain (for me personally) to get tasks setup correctly in GoLand. I'm not an experience enough programmer in Go especially to give you more feedback than that, sorry.
deranjer:I've been using Liteide for a long time now. It gets the job done. I can't say how it compares to other options though, as I have not tried any, apart from vscode. The Go integration in vscode was very rough around the edges at the time. I can't say how it holds up now.
aphexddb:Just started using it (vscode), but so far the Go Integration seems on par with GoLand, think I'm taking that over LiteIDE, thanks for the input though.
fmpwizard:Vscode is pretty amazing. Dropped Atom like a bad habit. I use IntelliJ for Java and I dig the simplistic interface the most.
puffybunion:Similar case for me, vscode for Go (and markojs) and intellij for Scala
caseynashvegas:I am so terrified of leaving Atom for VSCode. Can you tell me it'll be OK?
rek2gnulinux:VSCode is pretty great, once you set up the lukeban (spelling?) go plugin, everything works, including debugging.
8lall0:+1 vim do not be lazy. Linux+VIM=WIN
xmudri1:I always made my day with sublime text (open on a folder) + gosublime + an opened console. Go is so simple that i don't need too much hints.
shadowh511:I don't really have an answer that isn't already posted, but just to note a thing, there are many ways to get free or discounts for Goland. JetBrains is offering free license for students and open source projects, as well as discounts in some cases.
losinggeneration:Please no. How is your pinky not not tired.
flazz:Because it's now the size of a tree trunk.
kidovate:Could try looking into Apache Che, there might be a workspace for go setup.
kunos:Use spacemacs. Seriously.
danarm:I have been using LiteIDE for years.. hard to beat IMO. It's super fast, it does not require fiddling, it has great options for building different configurations of your program, it just works.
deranjer:GoLand - https://www.jetbrains.com/go/
Kraigius:That won't be free by December... That was what I was using but now need to swap.
deranjer:It's free for open source projects/student. Would you not qualify? https://www.jetbrains.com/store/?fromMenu#edition=discounts
Kraigius:Back when I was still using PHP (gag) I applied for a PHPStorm license since I was just writing in Notepad++ at the time. They denied my request since my commit activity wasn't high enough. Since I have a full time job and life I sometimes go a long time in between commits to github so don't want to go through that again. In my project's current state they will reject my application again for this project.. here are some of the requirements:
-Your OS project's community is active. This means that you have recent activity in your newsgroups or forums.
-Your OS project is in active development for a minimum of 3 months. (and they MEAN active, that was why I was rejected before)
-Your OS project has a website including either a regularly updated News section or links to social network account(s) where project updates are posted.
-You release updated builds on a regular basis.
deranjer:or perhaps just IntelliJ IDEA that have a community license and supports Go via a plugin?
TheSameOGee:Maybe I'll give that a shot, trying out vscode and so far it seems to work well for me.
SSoreil:The Go plugin for IntelliJ is amazing.
It's not lightweight at least.