Favorite Go Project?

xuanbao · 2017-12-23 20:00:05 · 603 次点击    
这是一个分享于 2017-12-23 20:00:05 的资源,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

Of any Go project you have done/been involved in, which is your favorite and why?



Well, not directly involved, but: Syncthing


I think docker is one of my favorites. I think it's an awesome idea and a great implementation that can be used creatively for tons of different things.


Also Kubernetes


Anything and everything from Hashicorp


Their raft library is quite good and most importantly, very reusable. The last thing cannot be said for the raft library of etcd.










every day i use pretty much all of these:

consul, kubernetes, terraform, keybase, traefik oauth2-proxy, drone, Prometheus and countless others....

i cannot possibly pick a favourite, i love them all!!


Are you triggering K8s Deployments with Drone? I'm looking into doing the same thing, have a plan on how to make it work but I'm curious about what others are doing.


Same here, we use drone for everything but deploy to our clusters via Jenkins. I think I'm going to write a plugin for k8 deployments, bash plugins look stupid simple to create


To be honest I don't know what the standard practice for triggering deployments is, I'm still really new at this and I don't want the devs in my team to learn how to deploy using K8s manually, I'd prefer to abstract most of the complexity away.


yup, it's pretty simple to implement but ultimately depends on your needs.. things like rolling back should a rollout fail for example can be tricky.. I'm planning on getting into some helm in January to make things better but you can go a long way with regular deployments and the rollout command

one standard i like it that the image tags match the git tags so you can tie that into a timeline and everything that's active all at once


It isn't marketed with a fancy landing page or anything (yet, maybe?) but Allwrite Docs.

Upon specifying a Google Drive directory ID, Allwrite with traverse the folders and files and generate an API for a frontend javascript client to use to display documentation in a nice and organized way. Essentially, using Google Drive/Docs as its CMS. Currently, only Postgres is available to use for storage but more will come soon (plus postgres full-text search). It's crazy fast.

TL;DR it ultimately allows for folks within the company to use Google Docs to write documentation rather than using something like markdown in github (not that I have a huge problem with md).


The Gorilla team projects have a great standing with me.

Their APIs are dead simple, and leave a large degree of freedom in projects that use the packages in.

I love frameworks and what they bring to the table, but they add a lot to my load as a student/hobbyist. The Gorilla team has some really simple APIs that I don't have to worry about across the entire application, just a small part of it. I can almost plop them in with minimal work on my park to a pre-existing architecture I've already been writing.


goimports. I run it hundreds of times on most days, and it makes my life significantly better.


★ Go-kit a toolkit for microservices - https://gokit.io/


goread.io, but I run it hosted on my own app engine instance.



Because it actually got to take advantage of the speed and concurrency on a large scale.


I don't write much Go, but I like weather - I'd been looking for something like it for quite some time.


I wrote an interpreter using Go that was a ton of fun. I used a book to get started but kept working on adding new language features once I finished it. Should really try and add more to it...


Which book was it?


Not OP, but I've got this one https://interpreterbook.com/

Pretty good book and walks you from beginning to end while designing an actual language including parser, lexer, and writing tests for it all.


This is it! Great book!


I really think dep is my favorite project at the moment. It sets out to solve one of the most important problems in Go developement at the moment: sane dependency management. Also the main developer is great guy. I'm glad I've been able to add something to the project with a PR.

At my job I've created vg, which integrates with dep really well. It's made to solve some of the problems that dep doesn't solve yet (pinning versions of executables and importing local projects temporarily). Obviously I also think that that's a great project ;)


A bit biased but I quite like the latest design of the tensor. Wish I could be a bit happier about gorgonia tho

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