[Part-Time Job] Looking for my replacement

blov · 2016-12-22 13:25:43 · 624 次点击    
这是一个分享于 2016-12-22 13:25:43 的资源,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

Not sure if there is a better place to post this or not. If there is let me know and I'll take this down and put it up wherever it belongs.

I've been working part-time for about a year for a friend's startup building a product using Go. I'm starting school up again and I'm going to stop working so I can focus on the last couple semesters of my undergrad. It has been a good experience so I'm trying to help him find my replacement.

Currently, there is a web application and a non-web Go application. Based out of Boston area. 100% remote. Pay has been reliable. Hours incredibly flexible (I've been putting in 5-10hr a week, he'd probably prefer more)

Need to be pretty proficient with Linux.

PM me with contact info and I will pass it on.



I don't know about others, but personally I find job postings without a description of the job itself pretty pointless. Care to expand on "a product"?


It's some new marketing technology. It delivers ads over wifi without touching any pre-existing infrastructure. He's pretty protective of the details but it was fun to work on.

Right now it consists of a small go app that's well under 10k lines of code and an even smaller web app hosted on Heroku with a postgres database.

The basic functionality is there. He'll just want some more features added and some fine tuning.

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