So I read something on Hackernews about there being some conflict with the way homebrew installs Go vs the official installer. Is this still the case? Can I safely install and use Go via homebrew or am I better off using the official installer?
Also, can anyone recommend vim (neovim) plugins for Go?
Zombayz:I use Homebrew since quite a while for maintaining Go on my Mac. I never had any issues with it.
Also, the formula has always been very up to date. As far as I remember, whenever a new Go version or patch was released, the formula usually was updated within a day.
peterbourgon:Good to know, thanks for your input!
sh41:Homebrew works great, and has for several point releases. I'm not sure where the FUD started, but I'd love to find out...
peterbourgon:If you're okay waiting a day for the latest release to come out, then using Homebrew is completely fine. If you don't want to be forced to wait a day, official installer is probably a better fit for your needs.
LadyDascalie:See, this? This is FUD. 1.8 was available on Homebrew within hours of the official release, not a day.
Zombayz:While I am no expert, and therefore can't go into much details, my experience is that the official installer has made my experience better.
I've had issues with Delve or other packages that would refuse to work properly, when I ended up switching to the official installer those problems went away.
I may have had a way to fix those issues, but frankly, I'd rather get on with my day than noodle around configuring stuff.
My vote goes for the official installer in that case!
LadyDascalie:Thanks! I'll just go that route then. I hope that both the Homebrew and Golang teams can fix whatever is going on. Using an installer is sort of archaic, haha!
mcandre:At the same time it's super convenient, just grab it and you're good with the new default GOPATH etc... No config required, for me that was a big plus.
Zombayz:I like the github.com/moovweb/gvm installer, as it helps to manage multiple versions of Go, in case you ever deal with older and newer Go projects
itsmontoya:Awesome, I use NVM so I guess this is the equivalent for Go :)
Zombayz:I personally think homebrew is awful. The official installer is super nice on OSX, go with that.
itsmontoya:What do you use as a package manager? Assuming you're on a Mac.
warpandas:I'm on Linux. When I used a Mac, I would just compile shit myself
itsmontoya:I guess you probably "compile shit yourself" on Linux instead of using yum or apt-get too. Damn you're so hardcore.
4ad:Nah, I'll gladly use pacman or yum. I just didn't like any of the options on OSX. Keeping go and rust up to date is easy enough without
Zombayz:Homebrew is cancer.
What are your issues with it? MacOS doesn't have an official package manager :(