I started in Python about a year ago but have really wanted to try my hand at some go so I thought I'd give it a shot.
I wrote a script that monitors a list of files last modified time and runs a given shell command if any of them are updated. It runs in a loop so It has to kill the previous process if it's still running and one of my concerns is if I handled that correctly.
Any sort of feedback would be amazing. And don't hesitate to give it to me straight either!
That said, I've had a blast with go so far and look forward to learning more about it from some of the community.
Github: https://github.com/Duroktar/trabWatcher
Followup: I put everyone's suggestions in the readme under a TODO section and I'll be checking them off as I go through. Thanks for the advice and if you manage to follow up on my changes thanks for that as well. Cheers
Duroktar:The code looks alright, but...
Why not use inotify? instead of ticking every X seconds, you can actually get near real time update.
nathankerr:Okay! Thanks for the tip, I'm checking it out now +1
edit: seems it's now fsnotify in case anyone else is looking
followup: Hey! I was actually looking forward to having something similar like this brought to my attention. I wasn't so much concerned about the originality, I really just wanted to get my hands dirty. And in the end it's nice to have something I can directly reference for ideas/guidance (like using select and defer, which I totally overlooked). Thanks again :)
Morgahl:Here are some similar tools:
Duroktar:The best learning experience is getting your hands dirty on something. Even if you find out something else exists that solves the problem in a different/better way you have an understanding of the fundamentals of the problem and are better informed!
albn2:This is so very true my friend. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever managed to code something that (upon further searching) doesn't already exist :D
Duroktar:You could probably put watcher in a different package. You exported NewWatcher but then only use it from main, so it doesn't need to be exported. Same for Watcher struct and exported variables in Watcher.
You can also invert some of your if statements to avoid indenting the whole function. The function at the end of the watcher file is a good candidate. Use an early return instead.
komkahh:Great stuff, I'm still wrapping my head around the packaging system so that first bit is quite helpful. Good tip for keeping indents reasonable also, I'll be refactoring those bits tonight when I'm free. Cheers +1
JohnGB:What about a stop method for the Watcher?
Duroktar:This could be taken as a style issue as in this simple case isn't much of a problem. However, you have nothing but the bare minimum of commenting in your code (basically just what is required to pass govet).
Think of commenting as two things: 1) The intended logic of your code. It's fairly easy to see what your code is doing, but without explicit intent it's not clear if what it is doing is what you intended on it doing. 2) Documentation for both yourself in the future and for anyone else that reads your code.
You are right of course. I usually do a better job than what you saw here, and don't really have an excuse other than I was being lazy. I will make it a point to write better comments in the future. Thank you!