Built an AirDrop-like tool for sharing files over a local network, would love some feedback

polaris · 2017-05-08 16:00:08 · 634 次点击    
这是一个分享于 2017-05-08 16:00:08 的资源,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

rdrp: https://github.com/kshvmdn/rdrp

An mDNS-based command line tool for sending and receiving files over a local network, inspired by AirDrop.

Would love some feedback about the code and/or project!



The images used in the README aren't in the same length, so after one pass through they aren't in sync.

It should be pretty easy to use a docker image to test that it works in Linux, if you want to.

For more features/functionality/etc ...

Have you looked at syncthing? Have you looked at go-sync or other similar software?

Neither are identical, but should be good for inspiration (use folders, rate limiting, etc) ... also if you want to add patches to either that'll probably help you more than working on your own (and get more people to use your code).


Thanks for taking a look!

The images used in the README aren't in the same length, so after one pass through they aren't in sync.

Haha yeah, recording 2 asciinema sessions at the same time was slightly challenging. I'm thinking about just using a single window with tmux or something instead.

It should be pretty easy to use a docker image to test that it works in Linux, if you want to.

I wasn't sure how/if mDNS would work with Docker, I'll give this a try though.

Have you looked at syncthing? Have you looked at go-sync or other similar software?

Neither are identical, but should be good for inspiration (use folders, rate limiting, etc) ... also if you want to add patches to either that'll probably help you more than working on your own (and get more people to use your code).

Can't say I've heard of either, I'll definitely take a look and see if I can find some inspiration and/or something to contribute.

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