xuanbao Why Go and Rust are not competitors (dave.cheney.net)

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xuanbao StableLib, an LTS distribution of Go packages, released (stablelib.com)

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blov Setting Go variables from the outside (blog.cloudflare.com)

blov 发布

评论 0 喜欢 570 阅读

polaris TLS Mutual Auth in GoLang (www.bite-code.com)

polaris 发布

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xuanbao The Business Benefits of Go (www.shift8creative.com)

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xuanbao Take control of your commands with Deputy (npf.io)

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xuanbao Authentication with Middleware using Siesta (vividcortex.com)

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评论 0 喜欢 535 阅读

agolangf Yet another Go book (Work in progress) (golang.muthukadan.net)

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polaris Minio - Object storage system written in Golang (medium.com)

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blov Testing uses of os/exec.Command (npf.io)

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评论 0 喜欢 649 阅读

polaris Defer Panic (deferpanic.com)

polaris 发布

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blov Open source, on-premises, Slack-alternative written in Go (www.mattermost.org)

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blov The Golang UK Conference Schedule (www.golanguk.com)

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blov The best Go configuration system is not TOML, not Viper, but this one (sfxpt.wordpress.com)

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agolangf [ANN] Blazingly fast Reed-Solomon Go package (blog.klauspost.com)

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评论 0 喜欢 680 阅读

blov Introducing Gollum: A NxM message multiplexer written in Go (tech.trivago.com)

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blov `ccat` demo (asciinema.org)

blov 发布

评论 0 喜欢 546 阅读

agolangf Resources to learn Go(lang) (andygrunwald.com)

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评论 0 喜欢 492 阅读

blov go get private repos! (michaelheap.com)

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polaris An alternative design for "container/heap" in Go. (daviddengcn.blogspot.nl)

polaris 发布

评论 0 喜欢 538 阅读

agolangf "Be excellent to each other." Let's use the Kernel CoC. (git.kernel.org)

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agolangf No Code Of Conduct (nocodeofconduct.com)

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agolangf Introducing Continuous Integration for Go on Semaphore (semaphoreci.com)

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xuanbao A Code of Conduct for the Go community (groups.google.com)

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agolangf A Code of Conduct for the Go community (groups.google.com)

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评论 0 喜欢 512 阅读

blov Go has a debugger—and it's awesome! (blog.cloudflare.com)

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polaris Go Change Proposal Process (docs.google.com)

polaris 发布

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agolangf Where to Define Command-Line Flags in Go (robots.thoughtbot.com)

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blov Any Gophers from Cebu? We are having a first meetup tomorrow. (www.meetup.com)

blov 发布

评论 0 喜欢 546 阅读

polaris What's new in gb, 2015-06-16 (getgb.io)

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polaris Building lightweight APIs with Go (alpacalunchbox.com)

polaris 发布

评论 0 喜欢 554 阅读

blov Why Go is beating the averages (didipkerabat.com)

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agolangf GopherCon Friday Hack Day details (blog.gopheracademy.com)

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xuanbao GopherConIndia 2016 CFP is now open (www.gophercon.in)

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agolangf Ten Useful Techniques in Go (arslan.io)

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评论 0 喜欢 524 阅读

xuanbao testing/quick: Blackbox Testing in Go for Fun and Profit (blog.matttproud.com)

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agolangf Practical Persistence in Go: SQL Databases (www.alexedwards.net)

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评论 0 喜欢 618 阅读