Go语言中文网 为您找到相关结果 2


- 命令行界面符合POSIX - 支持传统的嵌套结构定义方案 - 支持流式调用方式的定义方案 - 任意层级命令与子命令、别名 - 选项 - 支持`--long`, `-l`,短选项甚至允许2个字符,别名随意 - 多级选项自由输入,位置无论,短选项的组合随意:`-1abe` 相当于 `-1 -ab -e` - 支持 `-D+`, `-D-`;支持 ToggleGroup,一组bool选项能够如同radio buttong group般被自动翻转 - 支持 `-I/usr/include -I=/usr/include -I /usr/include ` 以及引号环绕时的识别 - 支持 `--` - 命令、选项可分组,分组顺序可自行掌控 - 命令、选项错...阅读全文

Golang 指南: Frameworks, IDEs & Tools

Since its introduction, Google’s Go Programming Language (Golang) has been experiencing an increasing popularity among mainstream users. In a December 2016 survey, 89% of the 3,595 respondents claimed that they program in Go at work or outside of work. Additionally, Go ranks highest among the programming languages in terms of expertise and preferen...阅读全文

博文 2017-08-18 06:01:49 Costi