近日,Go 官方发布了 Go1.16.7 和 Go1.15.15,很显然,这是两个小版本,而且 Go1.17 马上要发布了(已经发布了 RC 2 版本),大概率这两个小版本是安全问题修复。
> A net/http/httputil ReverseProxy can panic due to a race condition if its
> Handler aborts with ErrAbortHandler, for example due to an error in copying the
> response body. An attacker might be able to force the conditions leading to the
> race condition.
如果你的代码涉及到相关的代码,建议确认下是否有此问题,具体 issue 见:<https://github.com/golang/go/issues/46866>。
Go 语言中文网也为你准备好了最新镜像:<https://studygolang.com/dl>。