
xzknet · · 697 次点击
当然可以啊 只要看下标准和代码就知道json-rpc是什么了 jsonrpc就是指定了以特殊的json格式来发送和接受rpc请求 其中https://www.jsonrpc.org/specification_v1 A communication between peers, one being an HTTP client the other an HTTP server, may span multiple HTTP requests. A client side peer may send one or more requests, notifications or responses to its peer by sending an HTTP POST request containing all serialized objects. The server side peer must reply with responses to all requests sent and may send requests or notifications of its own. The client side peer must reply to requests received by sending another HTTP POST. 就是通过post方式发送这个请求,就是一个典型的json api接口 https://github.com/search?q=jsonrpc&type= github上jsonrpc的各语言实现一搜一大堆。
https://www.jsonrpc.org/specification 搜一下就知道,jsonrpc是个公开的标准。
net/jsonrpc的第一句就是 Package jsonrpc implements a JSON-RPC 1.0 ClientCodec and ServerCodec for the rpc package 实现的是1.0协议