
Formula00 · · 3655 次点击
`你可以看看这个` >https://awesome-go.com/#gui ``` Toolkits app - Package to create apps with GO, HTML and CSS. Supports: MacOS, Windows in progress. go-astilectron - Build cross platform GUI apps with GO and HTML/JS/CSS (powered by Electron). go-gtk - Go bindings for GTK. go-qml - QML support for the Go language. go-sciter - Go bindings for Sciter: the Embeddable HTML/CSS/script engine for modern desktop UI development. Cross platform. goqt - Golang bindings to the Qt cross-platform application framework. gotk3 - Go bindings for GTK3. gowd - Rapid and simple desktop UI development with GO, HTML, CSS and NW.js. Cross platform. qt - Qt binding for Go (support for Windows / macOS / Linux / Android / iOS / Sailfish OS / Raspberry Pi). ui - Platform-native GUI library for Go. Cross platform. walk - Windows application library kit for Go. webview - Cross-platform webview window with simple two-way JavaScript bindings (Windows / macOS / Linux). ```
你这个问题太大了,可以在本站搜索 [walk](/search?q=walk)
go 不适合干这个。如果一定要干,可以试试 goqt、walk 之类的