爬虫系列6:爬虫编码实现 — 基于 goquery 包

polaris · · 5730 次点击
The following forms are permitted: -flag -flag=x -flag x // non-boolean flags only One or two minus signs may be used; they are equivalent. The last form is not permitted for boolean flags because the meaning of the command cmd -x * where * is a Unix shell wildcard, will change if there is a file called 0, false, etc. You must use the -flag=false form to turn off a boolean flag.
```bash ./crawler -all false -site "www.zhipin.com" ``` 這樣 `-all` 會變 `true`。 正確的方式 ```bash ./crawler -all=false -site "www.zhipin.com" ```
<a href="/user/maxli" title="@maxli">@maxli</a> 棒