paho.mqtt.golang--option.go 源码解析

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broker: 指 mqtt 服务器

package mqtt

import (

// 允许在重新连接之前更新用户名和密码。函数应该返回当前的用户名和密码。
type CredentialsProvider func() (username string, password string)

// MessageHandler 是一种回调类型,
// 可以设置为在发布到订阅了客户端的主题的消息到达时执行。
type MessageHandler func(Client, Message)

// ConnectionLostHandler是一种回调类型,可以设置为在与MQTT代理意外断开连接时执行。
// 调用Disconnect或ForceDisconnect导致的断开连接不会导致执行OnConnectionLost回调。
type ConnectionLostHandler func(Client, error)

// OnConnectHandler是一个回调,当客户端状态从未连接/已断开变为已连接时,将调用此回调。
// 即 初始连接时和重新连接时执行此函数
type OnConnectHandler func(Client)

// 回调函数
// 初始连接丢失后,在重新连接之前调用
type ReconnectHandler func(Client, *ClientOptions)

// ClientOptions contains configurable options for an Client.
type ClientOptions struct {
    Servers                 []*url.URL    // mqtt服务器(broker)的地址
    ClientID                string  // 连接 broker 的客户端的唯一标识符
    Username                string  // 连接 broker 的用户名, 如果 broker 开启了用户名和密码验证时使用
    Password                string // 连接 broker 的密码
    CredentialsProvider     CredentialsProvider //  自定义function,  返回值为: (username, password)
    CleanSession            bool // 是否开启下线后清楚 session
    Order                   bool // 是否顺序发送, true: 同步顺序发送消息, false: 异步发送消息. 发送的消息有可能乱序
    WillEnabled             bool 
    WillTopic               string // 订阅的主题
    WillPayload             []byte 
    WillQos                 byte  //消息类型 0, 1, 2 
    WillRetained            bool  //是否保留消息
    ProtocolVersion         uint  // Mqtt 版本号 值=3 使用MQTT 3.1, 值=4使用 MQTT 3.1.1
    protocolVersionExplicit bool //是否设定了 mqtt 版本
    TLSConfig               *tls.Config  // tls 加密配置
    KeepAlive               int64  //向代理发送PING请求之前客户端应等待的时间(以秒为单位)
    PingTimeout             time.Duration //向代理发送PING请求之后客户端确定连接丢失之前等待的时间(以秒为单位)。默认值为10秒。
    ConnectTimeout          time.Duration //在尝试打开与MQTT服务器的连接之前客户端超时和错误尝试之前等待的时间。持续时间为0永远不会超时。默认30秒。当前仅可用于TCP / TLS连接。
    MaxReconnectInterval    time.Duration //连接断开后两次尝试重新连接之间等待的最长时间
    AutoReconnect           bool  //SetAutoReconnect设置在丢失连接时是否应使用自动重新连接逻辑,即使禁用该连接仍会调用ConnectionLostHandler
    ConnectRetryInterval    time.Duration //如果ConnectRetry为TRUE,则在最初连接时两次连接尝试之间要等待的时间
        // 如果ConnectRetry为true,则应在OnConnect处理程序中请求订阅
    ConnectRetry            bool
    Store                   Store // 提供消息持久性的实现
    DefaultPublishHandler   MessageHandler 
    OnConnect               OnConnectHandler //可以设置为在发布到订阅了客户端的主题的消息到达时执行。
    OnConnectionLost        ConnectionLostHandler //与MQTT代理意外断开连接时执行
    OnReconnecting          ReconnectHandler //初始连接丢失后,在重新连接之前调用
    WriteTimeout            time.Duration //发布消息阻塞时间, 0: 永远不超时
    MessageChannelDepth     uint // 作废.
    ResumeSubs              bool  // 将在连接时启用存储的(取消)订阅消息的恢复,但如果CleanSession为false则不重新连接。否则,这些消息将被丢弃。
    HTTPHeaders             http.Header //websocket 使用

// NewClientOptions will create a new ClientClientOptions type with some
// default values.
//   Port: 1883
//   CleanSession: True
//   Order: True
//   KeepAlive: 30 (seconds)
//   ConnectTimeout: 30 (seconds)
//   MaxReconnectInterval 10 (minutes)
//   AutoReconnect: True
func NewClientOptions() *ClientOptions {
    o := &ClientOptions{
        Servers:                 nil,
        ClientID:                "",
        Username:                "",
        Password:                "",
        CleanSession:            true,
        Order:                   true,
        WillEnabled:             false,
        WillTopic:               "",
        WillPayload:             nil,
        WillQos:                 0,
        WillRetained:            false,
        ProtocolVersion:         0,
        protocolVersionExplicit: false,
        KeepAlive:               30,
        PingTimeout:             10 * time.Second,
        ConnectTimeout:          30 * time.Second,
        MaxReconnectInterval:    10 * time.Minute,
        AutoReconnect:           true,
        ConnectRetryInterval:    30 * time.Second,
        ConnectRetry:            false,
        Store:                   nil,
        OnConnect:               nil,
        OnConnectionLost:        DefaultConnectionLostHandler,
        WriteTimeout:            0, // 0 represents timeout disabled
        ResumeSubs:              false,
        HTTPHeaders:             make(map[string][]string),
    return o

// AddBroker adds a broker URI to the list of brokers to be used. The format should be
// scheme://host:port
// Where "scheme" is one of "tcp", "ssl", or "ws", "host" is the ip-address (or hostname)
// and "port" is the port on which the broker is accepting connections.
// Default values for hostname is "", for schema is "tcp://".
// An example broker URI would look like: tcp://
func (o *ClientOptions) AddBroker(server string) *ClientOptions {
    re := regexp.MustCompile(`%(25)?`)
    if len(server) > 0 && server[0] == ':' {
        server = "" + server
    if !strings.Contains(server, "://") {
        server = "tcp://" + server
    server = re.ReplaceAllLiteralString(server, "%25")
    brokerURI, err := url.Parse(server)
    if err != nil {
        ERROR.Println(CLI, "Failed to parse %q broker address: %s", server, err)
        return o
    o.Servers = append(o.Servers, brokerURI)
    return o

// SetResumeSubs will enable resuming of stored (un)subscribe messages when connecting
// but not reconnecting if CleanSession is false. Otherwise these messages are discarded.
func (o *ClientOptions) SetResumeSubs(resume bool) *ClientOptions {
    o.ResumeSubs = resume
    return o

// SetClientID will set the client id to be used by this client when
// connecting to the MQTT broker. According to the MQTT v3.1 specification,
// a client id must be no longer than 23 characters.
func (o *ClientOptions) SetClientID(id string) *ClientOptions {
    o.ClientID = id
    return o

// SetUsername will set the username to be used by this client when connecting
// to the MQTT broker. Note: without the use of SSL/TLS, this information will
// be sent in plaintext across the wire.
func (o *ClientOptions) SetUsername(u string) *ClientOptions {
    o.Username = u
    return o

// SetPassword will set the password to be used by this client when connecting
// to the MQTT broker. Note: without the use of SSL/TLS, this information will
// be sent in plaintext across the wire.
func (o *ClientOptions) SetPassword(p string) *ClientOptions {
    o.Password = p
    return o

// SetCredentialsProvider will set a method to be called by this client when
// connecting to the MQTT broker that provide the current username and password.
// Note: without the use of SSL/TLS, this information will be sent
// in plaintext across the wire.
func (o *ClientOptions) SetCredentialsProvider(p CredentialsProvider) *ClientOptions {
    o.CredentialsProvider = p
    return o

// SetCleanSession will set the "clean session" flag in the connect message
// when this client connects to an MQTT broker. By setting this flag, you are
// indicating that no messages saved by the broker for this client should be
// delivered. Any messages that were going to be sent by this client before
// diconnecting previously but didn't will not be sent upon connecting to the
// broker.
func (o *ClientOptions) SetCleanSession(clean bool) *ClientOptions {
    o.CleanSession = clean
    return o

// SetOrderMatters will set the message routing to guarantee order within
// each QoS level. By default, this value is true. If set to false,
// this flag indicates that messages can be delivered asynchronously
// from the client to the application and possibly arrive out of order.
func (o *ClientOptions) SetOrderMatters(order bool) *ClientOptions {
    o.Order = order
    return o

// SetTLSConfig will set an SSL/TLS configuration to be used when connecting
// to an MQTT broker. Please read the official Go documentation for more
// information.
func (o *ClientOptions) SetTLSConfig(t *tls.Config) *ClientOptions {
    o.TLSConfig = t
    return o

// SetStore will set the implementation of the Store interface
// used to provide message persistence in cases where QoS levels
// QoS_ONE or QoS_TWO are used. If no store is provided, then the
// client will use MemoryStore by default.
func (o *ClientOptions) SetStore(s Store) *ClientOptions {
    o.Store = s
    return o

// SetKeepAlive will set the amount of time (in seconds) that the client
// should wait before sending a PING request to the broker. This will
// allow the client to know that a connection has not been lost with the
// server.
func (o *ClientOptions) SetKeepAlive(k time.Duration) *ClientOptions {
    o.KeepAlive = int64(k / time.Second)
    return o

// SetPingTimeout will set the amount of time (in seconds) that the client
// will wait after sending a PING request to the broker, before deciding
// that the connection has been lost. Default is 10 seconds.
func (o *ClientOptions) SetPingTimeout(k time.Duration) *ClientOptions {
    o.PingTimeout = k
    return o

// SetProtocolVersion sets the MQTT version to be used to connect to the
// broker. Legitimate values are currently 3 - MQTT 3.1 or 4 - MQTT 3.1.1
func (o *ClientOptions) SetProtocolVersion(pv uint) *ClientOptions {
    if (pv >= 3 && pv <= 4) || (pv > 0x80) {
        o.ProtocolVersion = pv
        o.protocolVersionExplicit = true
    return o

// UnsetWill will cause any set will message to be disregarded.
func (o *ClientOptions) UnsetWill() *ClientOptions {
    o.WillEnabled = false
    return o

// SetWill accepts a string will message to be set. When the client connects,
// it will give this will message to the broker, which will then publish the
// provided payload (the will) to any clients that are subscribed to the provided
// topic.
func (o *ClientOptions) SetWill(topic string, payload string, qos byte, retained bool) *ClientOptions {
    o.SetBinaryWill(topic, []byte(payload), qos, retained)
    return o

// SetBinaryWill accepts a []byte will message to be set. When the client connects,
// it will give this will message to the broker, which will then publish the
// provided payload (the will) to any clients that are subscribed to the provided
// topic.
func (o *ClientOptions) SetBinaryWill(topic string, payload []byte, qos byte, retained bool) *ClientOptions {
    o.WillEnabled = true
    o.WillTopic = topic
    o.WillPayload = payload
    o.WillQos = qos
    o.WillRetained = retained
    return o

// SetDefaultPublishHandler sets the MessageHandler that will be called when a message
// is received that does not match any known subscriptions.
func (o *ClientOptions) SetDefaultPublishHandler(defaultHandler MessageHandler) *ClientOptions {
    o.DefaultPublishHandler = defaultHandler
    return o

// SetOnConnectHandler sets the function to be called when the client is connected. Both
// at initial connection time and upon automatic reconnect.
func (o *ClientOptions) SetOnConnectHandler(onConn OnConnectHandler) *ClientOptions {
    o.OnConnect = onConn
    return o

// SetConnectionLostHandler will set the OnConnectionLost callback to be executed
// in the case where the client unexpectedly loses connection with the MQTT broker.
func (o *ClientOptions) SetConnectionLostHandler(onLost ConnectionLostHandler) *ClientOptions {
    o.OnConnectionLost = onLost
    return o

// SetReconnectingHandler sets the OnReconnecting callback to be executed prior
// to the client attempting a reconnect to the MQTT broker.
func (o *ClientOptions) SetReconnectingHandler(cb ReconnectHandler) *ClientOptions {
    o.OnReconnecting = cb
    return o

// SetWriteTimeout puts a limit on how long a mqtt publish should block until it unblocks with a
// timeout error. A duration of 0 never times out. Default 30 seconds
func (o *ClientOptions) SetWriteTimeout(t time.Duration) *ClientOptions {
    o.WriteTimeout = t
    return o

// SetConnectTimeout limits how long the client will wait when trying to open a connection
// to an MQTT server before timing out and erroring the attempt. A duration of 0 never times out.
// Default 30 seconds. Currently only operational on TCP/TLS connections.
func (o *ClientOptions) SetConnectTimeout(t time.Duration) *ClientOptions {
    o.ConnectTimeout = t
    return o

// SetMaxReconnectInterval sets the maximum time that will be waited between reconnection attempts
// when connection is lost
func (o *ClientOptions) SetMaxReconnectInterval(t time.Duration) *ClientOptions {
    o.MaxReconnectInterval = t
    return o

// SetAutoReconnect sets whether the automatic reconnection logic should be used
// when the connection is lost, even if disabled the ConnectionLostHandler is still
// called
func (o *ClientOptions) SetAutoReconnect(a bool) *ClientOptions {
    o.AutoReconnect = a
    return o

// SetConnectRetryInterval sets the time that will be waited between connection attempts
// when initially connecting if ConnectRetry is TRUE
func (o *ClientOptions) SetConnectRetryInterval(t time.Duration) *ClientOptions {
    o.ConnectRetryInterval = t
    return o

// SetConnectRetry sets whether the connect function will automatically retry the connection
// in the event of a failure (when true the token returned by the Connect function will
// not complete until the connection is up or it is cancelled)
// If ConnectRetry is true then subscriptions should be requested in OnConnect handler
// Setting this to TRUE permits mesages to be published before the connection is established
func (o *ClientOptions) SetConnectRetry(a bool) *ClientOptions {
    o.ConnectRetry = a
    return o

// SetMessageChannelDepth DEPRECATED The value set here no longer has any effect, this function
// remains so the API is not altered.
func (o *ClientOptions) SetMessageChannelDepth(s uint) *ClientOptions {
    o.MessageChannelDepth = s
    return o

// SetHTTPHeaders sets the additional HTTP headers that will be sent in the WebSocket
// opening handshake.
func (o *ClientOptions) SetHTTPHeaders(h http.Header) *ClientOptions {
    o.HTTPHeaders = h
    return o




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