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WHAT - 什么是微服务 微服务简介 这次参加JavaOne2015最大的困难就是听Microservice相关的session,无论内容多么水,只要题目带microservice,必定报不上名,可见Microservice有多火。最喜欢其中一页。关于这个典故,可以参考this,此图适用于一切高大上的名字——技术有SOA,Agile,CLOUD,DevOps等等,古代有道,气,八卦等等。此类名词的最大特点就是 一解释就懂,一问就不知,一讨论就打架。 微服务的流行,Martin功不可没,这老头也是个奇人,特别擅长抽象归纳和制造概念,我觉的这就是最牛逼的markting啊,感觉这也是目前国人欠缺的能力。 Martin Fowler是国际著名的OO专家,敏捷开发方法的创始人之一,现为Though...阅读全文

博文 2017-06-17 02:41:02 肥侠

重磅 | 时速云发布 3 款新产品 打造“容器平台”+“应用交付”+“应用治理”三级火箭

2018年6月,时速云重磅发布 3 款新产品! ① 时速云企业版 v3.0 | TenxCloud Enterprise; ② DevOps 开发运维一体化 v3.0 | TenxCloud DevOps; ③ 时速云微服务治理平台 v1.2 | TenxCloud Microservice; 时速云 PaaS、微服务开发团队保持高速的开发迭代效率,不断推出满足企业客户最新需求的新产品&新能力,助力企业数字升级! 此次发布的产品线,覆盖功能更丰富全面,加速开发效率提升,降低基础架构成本,更好的满足全行业企业级的不同 PaaS、微服务产品需求。 企业版 V3.0 主要新功能: 应用管理:  多版本共存、支持灰度发布;  服务、节点亲和性调度策略自定义;  ⽀持容器调⽤集群 GPU 节点资...阅读全文


> > 导读:微服务是一个模糊的术语,通常指的是小型独立服务,共同组成一个应用程序。 微服务架构与单片架构相反,其应用程序是一个大系统。 > 我们将讨论如何开始作为初学者,并选择正确的工具来建立微服务架构。 *迅速崛起的微服务* 根据Google趋势指数的结果,近来微服务已经越来越流行: 阅读全文

博文 2017-07-22 05:40:51 Helperhaps


<p>Can someone post a commented code of a basic use of MongoDB. initialization and queries. If there is smth else to know I&#39;m all ears.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>jayposs: <pre><p>Here&#39;s a basic example:<br/> <a href="https://play.golang.org/p/MrI29X_Djp" rel="nofollow...阅读全文

[Remote Job] Backend + Machine Learning Engineers, Industrial IoT

<p>We are hiring for several positions at Senseye - Backend, Data Integration and Machine Learning Engineer.</p> <p>Senseye is an exciting and rapidly expanding start up in the field of condition monitoring and prognostics. We are developing a cutting edge cloud product to provide scalable prognostics and advanced condition monit...阅读全文

Third party dependencies seems like a mess. Am I missing something?

<p>I&#39;m doing a project where there&#39;s a microservice in Go. The project is basically one big project(in intellij IDEA), in one git repository, with different modules - a pretty normal project structure, I reckon. The reasoning for this is that i want to run several services at once, and I don&#39;t want to open 3x different...阅读全文

My JWT validation now works on a microservice. How to I throw proper HTTP responses back?

<p>More namely, I need to throw a HTTP 403 back if the JWT verification anything but succeeds. How would you default to that?</p> <p>The JWT verification works now. Here&#39;s my handler.</p> <pre><code>func (ma *myapp) SomeHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { w.Header().Set(&#34;Conten...阅读全文

How do I secure a Go microservice endpoint? What's best practice?

<p>I&#39;m building a React-native application. The authentication is handled by Google Firebase. I&#39;m slowly adding microservices hosted on Google App Engine to the stack, and it all works well as of now :)</p> <p>However - how would you secure a microservice? I imagine it could be done by the JWT generated by Firebas...阅读全文

How would one deploy a Go microservice on Google Cloud in practice?

<p>Trying to get this to work. I have written a microservice in Golang, it&#39;s a basic http server with one single REST endpoint, and it gets data from a public API that it processes and then exposes. It works well on localhost :o)</p> <p>However, I&#39;d like for my react-native app to be able to hit this endpoint from...阅读全文

Publishing websockets in Golang without upgrading a HTTP connection

<p>Hi folks. In a microservice application, I want a variety of our services to be able to add a task to a RabbitMQ stack, and have the websocket microservice pickup on that and fire off whatever message to whatever channel - the channel will be defined by the user&#39;s email address. </p> <p>I can see it&#39;s easy to ...阅读全文

Learning Go! Would appreciate some criticism of this microservice

<p>It&#39;s super simple: It queuries alphavantage for given stocks, and exposes it on a REST api.</p> <p>It uses a JWT from Firebase users linked to the project to validate queuries, and it can be automatically deployed to Google Cloud App Engine. It does a lot of things in that small amount of code, I think.</p> <...阅读全文